A simple solution for solving problems

A few years ago I did a postgrad qualification in computer science. I had to get to a level 8 (undergraduate level) competency within a year, and as I was totally new to the field and had no prior programming/database experience, I found it really tough.

Now if i'm totally honest with you, I actually found myself in tears a few times because I couldn't figure out why some of my programmes weren't working, and the not knowing why would drive me INSANE.

It seemed like I was the weakest member of the class. I didn't have a clue what was happening, and I couldn't answer the simplest of questions which the rest of the class seemed to find easy.

At one point I was considering quitting, but I found a nice little affirmation that allowed me change what I was doing. It allowed me to direct my focus from the problem to the solution.

Each time I was stuck with something, I would repeat this affirmation and allow it to expand and guaranteed, within a short period of time, an answer would come (without me getting anywhere close to tears!). It was brilliant!

Anyway, I got first class honours and finished the course near the top of the class. My average programming score was about 88%.

Oh, and the affirmation?

"I love figuring this out".

Yep, it was that simple!

I'd just repeat that to myself a few times and then allow it to expand. So, 'I love figuring this out', would turn into:

"I love figuring this out, figuring this out is getting easier and easier, I love that when I figure this out the answers come to me easily, man figuring this out is actually quite fun, yeah I know I can figure this out, yeah, i'm figuring this out, wow how cool is that..."

So how did this help? How could that make any difference? Well, I believe that we get more of what we focus on, and when we have a problem, our natural inclination is to put way more focus on the problem. This really limits our thinking and it's not until we change our focus, that the solution can come into our sight.

I still use this in my daily life and it's helped me to improve a lot of different things. It works really well when paired with visualization - so if you want something in your life, visualize and get into the feeling of attaining your goal and as you do so, repeat the above affirmation. This helps bypass any negative chatter and subconscious resistance.

It's very simple, but very effective and it's an easy one to play with. You can make a story about figuring things out, you can write a blog about it, sing a song about it, paint a picture of it. All of which will help to get you into the vibration of figuring it out, a solution based feeling!

If you have any problems in your life, give it a crack. You might find that the solution is easier than you thought.

(I think the affirmation came from Abraham-Hicks. If you want a fresh new perspective on life, give them a google ;.)

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