What will happen next ?! Story Part 2

Heyyy y’all ,

So this is the continuation of yesterdays story.

As she stopped to catch her breath , her blood sugar levels dropped reslly low, which made her faint.
After several hours , as she came back to her consciousness , she was in a hospital. She couldnt remember have of what had happened, but suddenly it allcame back to her. Which made her really agitated , so they had to give her some sort of an anesthetic. They managed to get the contact of her mom from her phone and called her. Seeing her , her mom couldnt stop crying. This was her baby girl. She felt like a dissapointment.

As she was wiping away her tears Louri came back again. This time she was much calmer, and she said Im so sorry Mum, i never thought things would go this out of hand,..i didnt know he was using me.. im so sorry mummy, i dont feel worthy to be alive... , saying all this she started crying . Her mom tried to comfort her.

Several days , she was still in the hospital. She had to meet with a psychiatrist for her damaged mind. And also a group meeting thrice a week. Those meetings really helped her gain back a lot of confidence. There she met a girl named clarissa who tried to commit suicide and has chronic depression... she also met this fat boy named james who took too many pills and almost died. And many others, but they were all undergoing treatement . And these mettings really helped them and her. Sharing all of their sorrows and problems. That made them even get closser to each other. After three minths , louri was ready to start college. She was a new person, she valued herself and others. She knew that no one cares about you more than your parents and god. She believed in herself. She stopped trusting others blindly. And thats when her beautiful fairy tale began... the moment she let go of all her insecurities and started believing.

In college , she met her real soulmate , Jorge, he was such a handsome lad. He is latino too. Which made him such a tasty spice. Idk what attracted her to him, but im guessing it was her new attitude. Jorge loved her very deeply such that. He wanted to propose. So naturally the guy would do something really romantic for the girl . But here he first wanted his parents to like her and vice versa. So ,as-he saw that was a green light. He asked her mom for her blessings. And asked everyone to be there , but without her knowledge . It was in front of this beautiful waterfall. They came fir a pucnic snd then suddenly out of nowhere he did it.. and she is so full of surprise... but then sne sees both of their parents...and she just cries with happiness.
Then , ...soon she will be married.


Moral of the story :

No matter what life throws at you , be strong , be courageous, be bold. Dont eva give up. Dont feel like you are tge only person who is going through shit , its not true...many aregoing through worse. Once you cahnge your mindset , and start working tiwards your goals...your future will change and become better.
If Louri had given up on herself , then she wouldnt have met jorge or her future job or kids.

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