The Homeless Old Woman


The hot sun lands heavily on her aging skin as she sits on the tarred road at Tees Junction. She can feel the staunch smell from her body; she hasn’t had a bath in 2 days since she became homeless. Her eyes move from side to side following the movement of people going about their business oblivious of her presence. For a moment, she wonders if they can see her. It’s 3pm. She’s been here since morning. The last meal she had was dry bed, and that was the previous night. She’s hungry, very hungry. She tries to ignore it but the worms in her stomach aren’t having any of it. It’s either she gives them food or they are leaving her stomach.


Uncertain of how long she can go without food, she resorts to begging. Her right hand has been hanging in the air for the past thirty minutes beckoning on people to help her out. She wonders if her hand isn’t visible enough, so she raises her left hand too. Both hands are hanging in the air like she’s expecting manner from heaven. They are still empty as nothing has fallen into them.


It’s getting dark. The junction is busier as more people find their way home from work. Saddened by the helplessness of her situation, she lays on her right hand side, fighting back the tears flowing down her cheeks like a river. She feels a touch on her legs. As she turns, she’s greeted by the familiar face of a young woman. She recognizes the face; it’s her daughter. “We’ve looked everywhere for you Mum,” says the young woman.

Wordcount: 273

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