5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Vagina Healthy and Happy


Your vagina, like most other organs in your body, is a living, breathing organ and should be kept in top shape.

Caring for your vagina makes it happy and a happy vagina is a healthy vagina, one that works optimally.

Here are Five Ways to Care for Your Vagina to Keep it in Top Shape

1.Avoid Washing with Soap

Every vagina has its own unique smell. Some women however, get bothered about this, believing the smell is offensive and would want to wash regularly to keep the smell under control.

While it's perfectly normal to want to keep that part of your anatomy clean, it is unnecessary as the vagina is actually a self-cleaning organ.


When you go ahead to wash with soap, you do more harm than good as you disrupt the natural flora of good and bad bacteria, which could leave you prone to infections.

However, if you feel uncomfortable washing without soap, then you should wash with unscented soap and do so sparingly.

2.Opt for Breathable Cotton Underwears

Bacteria loves moisture and replicate easily in such an environment, which is why it is recommended you go for cotton underwear as this traps less moisture than other clothing types.

Also ensure your underwears aren't too tight so your vagina can breathe while in them.

3.Change Your Underwear Often

Again, a clean vagina is a happy one and your vagina will be clean, not to mention healthy when you change your underwear often.

It is recommended you change your panties daily, twice daily even, especially at that time of the month when you have more discharge to keep your vagina at optimal health.


4.Wipe the Proper Way

When you take a dump, there is a right and also a wrong way to wipe. Doing it the wrong way leaves you susceptible to bacteria which could travel from your anus to your vagina as you wipe.

To prevent this, wipe from front to back, doing this a few times until you are satisfied.

5.Cultivate the Habit of Peeing Right After Sex

Sometimes, bacteria get trapped in your urinary tract system after sex which could lead to an infection if not expulged.

To prevent this, pee immediately after sex as this act flushes away every bacteria down your urinary tract and out of your system.

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