
Every normal child longs to be "grown up". He wants to do all the things he sees grown up people doing around him. If he is not as tall as others, it is possible for him to feel slightly and perhaps somewhat rejected by those of his own group. CAN ANYTHING BE DONE TO HELP A SHORTER PERSON PUT ON AN INCH OR TWO? Yes, in some cases this is possible.
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Normal growth is an amazing process. From the moment of conception until the day we are born, growth is extremely rapid. After birth we continue to grow rapidly for the first two years, then the process begins to slow down. Once again, around our 13th or 14th year we begin to grow rapidly. This is the time known as ADOLESCENCE.

Girls grow rapidly in early puberty than boys because their hormones are more active in that stage. Later the boys catch up and overtake them, usually reaching their full height between the 16th and 19th years.

A person's height depends to a large extent on the length of the long bones in his lower extremities, that is, the femur in the thigh and the tibia in the leg. For good stature, the spinal bones or vertebrae must also be well developed in proportion to these long bones.

Near the ends of the bones, there is a transverse area known as the epiphysical line, consisting mainly of cartilage in which the young bone cells are growing. During childhood and youth, these young bone cells are continually adding to the length of the bones. This is how we gain in height and weight. But once the epiphysical lines have closed, there is no further growth in height. The bones may grow heavier, wider, thicker, but from then on, it is doubtful if the individual can do anything more about his height.

HORMONAL CHANGES, particularly those involving the thyroid gland may often alter a person's height.

In hyperthyroidism there is delay in growth and development, along with some mental slowness, fatigue and menstrual disorders.

Thyroid tablets, when taken regularly, may help to correct the deficiency and actually cause the individual to gain in height and weight, provided the epiphysical lines in the long bones, as mentioned earlier, have not already closed. In addition to thyroid tablets, it is important to take sufficient protein in the diet.


  • Any young person who is not growing as rapidly as expected should always be carefully studied to find the possible cause of growth failure.
  • Parents should realize that any sudden slowing in growth rate may indicate the beginning of some serious disease.
  • X-rays may reveal the presence of rickets or some serious vitamin deficiency.
  • If the patient is suffering from malnutrition, the addition of vitamin B supplements may help stimulate the appetite and establish a new pattern of growth.

Another cause of failure in growth is PITUITARY DWARFISM which results from a failure of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. This may be as a result of some congenital condition or perhaps a tumor invading the pituitary. Pituitary dwarfs, unlike cretins, usually have normal intelligence. The body is well proportioned, but all the features are diminutive, and many of the physical manifestations of childhood are retained throughout life.

CRETIN: A person who is physically deformed and has learning difficulties because of congenital thyroid deficiency.


Thank you for reading. Stay healthy.... keep steeming

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