
Social Media

Media plays a very important role and has influence in every aspect of our lives. It is considered as the best source to know about current world events. Newspaper, magazine, radio, television and internet are the different types of media. It greatly affects our lives because media has the power to influence our thoughts. This influence is sometimes positive and sometimes negative.
By consuming social media, you can involve yourself into the universe. You can update yourself with the knowledge about what is happening
However, social media has so many backlogs too. Especially today's young generation is affected heavily by this. Most try to fill their friendlist with 5k friends or 10k+ followers to get likes and reactions and in a nutshell, attention which are good for nothing. They also follow some freaky and useless pages which are not beneficial.
But the most dangerous thing is keep some demons in their friendlist and followers list. It may be exes or some fake friends or so called relatives and by seeing their colourful, eventful posts, they get demotivated. They feel self-sown. They think negative things about themselves. They forget that "It doesn't look as it is, most of the time".
They also past hour after hour just by scrolling their news feed. They waste their valuable time by just keep an eye on the activities of few people scrolling and scrolling. They forget to invest time on themselves.

So, what's the solution?

Yes, Social media is both a blessing and curse too. It shortens the distance by physical length but lengthens the distance by mental length. For getting the most benefit out of it, you have to use it in a religious manner. Follow some good pages on any topic like motivation, poetry or some good personalities, keep your friendlist clean and colourify it with either good people or just by those who really mean something to you or whom you like. Set an ample time,maybe an hour to two hours, as per your convenience,and channelise your actions in social media in such a way, by which you can pull out the best from it.

How does social media affect people?

A False Sense of Connection
According to Cornell University's Steven Strogatz, social media sites can make it more difficult for us to distinguish between the meaningful relationships we foster in the real world, and the numerous casual relationships formed through social media. By focusing so much of our time and psychic energy on these less meaningful relationships, our most important connections, he fears, will weaken.
The immediacy provided by social media is available to predators as well as friends. Kids especially are vulnerable to the practice of cyber-bullying in which the perpetrators, anonymously or even posing as people their victims trust, terrorize individuals in front of their peers. The devastation of these online attacks can leave deep mental scars. In several well-publicized cases, victims have even been driven to suicide. The anonymity afforded online can bring out dark impulses that might otherwise be suppressed. Social networking sites encourage people to be more public about their personal lives. Because intimate details of our lives can be posted so easily, users are prone to bypass the filters they might normally employ when talking about their private lives. What's more, the things they post remain available indefinitely. While at one moment a photo of friends doing shots at a party may seem harmless, the image may appear less attractive in the context of an employer doing a background check. While most sites allow their users to control who sees the things they've posted, such limitations are often forgotten, can be difficult to control or don't work as well as advertised.

What is exactly Wastage of Time?

Facebook or Instagram or Snapchat are the biggest examples of time wastage. What we basically do on these platforms is to see which friend is liking what, staying where, eating what, sleeping with whom, listening to which song etc. We also get to see who is pouting the best or who has a stupid story to tell. There are terms like foodgasm, foodporn etc which we get to learn. Imagine we are comparing food to porn related terminologies! How does it help us? To be honest, it doesn't help us in anything or anyway.
Then comes a point where we start setting standards of living as per the norms of social media. We start developing fake hopes. Only if you check in to the most premium restaurant of your town then only you are doing well in life. Oh, if you hadn't been to that 5 star hotel then dude, you have failed!
Enhanced amount of laziness, I wake up in the morning go to the washroom with my mobile start scrolling shit while doing shit, literally! And even after I am done with my morning routine, I still sit on my mobile for 15 more minutes thinking about how well people are doing in their lives.
People have become masters of wisdom, yes there are so many pages on life quotes which tell how to live your life. Again a social media junk. We realise that we arent living the way how these pages suggest us and basically we are wasting ourselves.
Does it mean social media is affecting every part of our lives?

In someway, yes. Social media is affecting the way we think, assume, believe and look at things.
Anything more than 5 minutes of social media a day is wastage. At the same time Facebook does help you stay connected to your circle. You can talk to them sometimes. You also help your business with e-marketing. But that's about it.
We all are having problems reading a hardcopy document in one go. It is because we can't focus on the subject as we are used to all this digital reading like Kindle. A gadget is a gadget after all.
In conclusion, we were made to feel a certain connection between us. We are not made to live alone, apart, divided, isolated from each other, etc. All we do effects everyone. We sense this reality in our families when one feels a certain mood it tends to effect us all. This is quite evident due to how we perceive one another in the and when we perceive another’s mood as being good or not so good, it effects our attitude toward them.
Insert social media or the world at large. When we read and react to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap chat, etc, we feel a reaction within us like from a family member. This is due to the invisible connections that connect us all together. If we spend time on these social platforms we will be effected in mood, thoughts, view points, etc. So social media effects our personal life to a huge extent due to these subtle and imperceptible connections that form our outlook on life.


How does social media affect our lives?
What is cyber bullying?
Social media

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