
I am writing to acquaint you friends of how glucose intolerance caused or mediated by jet lag disruption of circadian rhythm degenerates into diabetes and obesity as a follow up or Volume 2 of the update series of the clinical microbiology conference seminar that we attended yesterday at Oxford University in London, England. A person who has obesity like this very lady on this picture is also likely to have diabetes simultaneously because both diseases are implicated on the same root cause which is hyperglycemia or glucose intolerance, I.e high or elevated blood glucose concentration. Now, for glucose intolerance or hyperglycemia specifically caused or mediated by jet lag disruption of circadian rhythm, see how it degenerates into diabetes and obesity; In the process of the body wanting to restore its blood glucose concentration back to the normal homeostatic range or value on ocassion of hyperglycemia or glucose intolerance, the body resorts to the following two physiological or metabolic strategies;

First, because the person in question already has his body system weakened by the sleep hormone, melatonin (due to jet lag disruption of his circadian rhythm) to become dizzy, weak, letharged and inactive for which reason there is currently little or no energy or ATP demand by his body system, there is no diffusion of the excess glucose molecules in the blood into the body cells on the intention of them being degraded or catabolise for energy or ATP generation through the glycolytic pathway, citric acid cycle and mitochondrial electron transport chain. Hence, the body tries eliminate the excess glucose molecules in the blood by excreting it along with urine through the urinary system. This excretion of glucose or sugar along with urine is what we call DIABETES in medicine. In essence, glucose intolerance degenerates into diabetes when the body tries to manage the condition by excreting the excess glucose through the urinary system.

Secondly, talking of obesity as another degenerative product of glucose intolerance, it should be noted that another thing which the body could simultaneously or exclusively do is to transport the excess glucose molecules in the blood stream to the adipose tissues of the skin. In the adipose tissues of the skin, the glucose molecules diffuse into the adipocytes, I.e fat-storing cells of the skin where they are being transformed through ketogenesis and lipogenesis into fatty acids and glycerol that are eventually esterified to form fats or triacylglycerols which finally aggregate to form fat droplets in these cells. The accumulation of these fat droplets in the adipocytes of the skin causes the skin or muscles to swell or enlarge excessively, a clinical condition called OBESITY. In essence, glucose intolerance degenerates into obesity when the body tries to manage the excess blood glucose by transporting them to the skin for transformations into fats that are later stored in the adipose tissues of the skin...

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