My Appeal of Medieval coins 6 - Claudia: Origins of the Bloody Raven –The Raven

Toledo Mint Ferdinand Half Spanish Silver Real By Numismatic Pliego License as CCO 3.0

Reverse: “FERNANDVS:ET:HELISABET” “Ferdinand and Isabella”
Obverse: “QOD:DEVS:CONIUNXIT:HOMO”, short form of verse 6 of chapter 19 of the Gospel of Matthew “Quod Deus coniunxit homo non separet”.


Claudia: Origins of the Bloody Raven –The Raven

“I do!,” She squealed leaping off her horse throwing her arms around him but just as quickly stepped back and covered her mouth in a childlike manner as so if she could take back the words. Her body language said it all. Claudia realizes her heart oft race past her thoughts and out upon her lips in reckless abandon. It was only a few years since the departure of her beloved Ezio, the pain of the past still has to bind the lingering wounds to heal.

Lukkas smiled understandably then nodded, “It is obvious that you have issues to settle in your heart, perhaps in my own brash exuberance coerced you in accepting my proposition. I will give you the time you need to make a more rational and thoughtful decision my dear my Lady.”

"I'm sorry Lukkas for acting so…so childish, there is so much"
"It is courtship, first things first; you have yet to see my parents as well." Lukkas lifted her hand and kissed it. “It should be proper and I would be happy to take the time to explore your mysteries akin to an undiscovered country.”

"I will pray tonight for the Lord's guidance." replied Claudia with an assuring smile.
Lukkas nodded with a smile, "Yes, as I shall. Please pray as I wouldn't have you in any other way than by the blessing of my God, and that of my parents."
"You are so considerate Lukkas."
"For now we must finish setting up camp, the usual routine Brother Issak."
"I understand Brother Lukkas," As he hung his primed crossbow in plain sight in the event of an emergency. The manner in how Issak hung the weapon was too familiar.


The camp was ideal for Fregelio’s purposes well outside this remote Spanish town nestled in the mountains. The master's singing was terrible as their caravan paraded through the center of town. It was simply advertising to draw attention to the business of the flesh. All the women tightened their bodice and show their ankles. On the lead wagon Taska was in her best clothes always seated between Fregelio and Marie. While Marie posed as the wife he could easily claim the girl as the daughter to the satisfaction of the town guards at the gate. Marie was also tasked to carry the Gate Tax when the guard demanded that. Best results are when the silver Vitem is paid by the fairer sex with a flirtatious wink will sometimes yield the same coin back at a later evening, the same routine at about every place. Before breakfast the women were required to set up the tents for the week's business.

Portugal Manuel I 1495 – 1521 Silver Vitem By Margaret Broomfield License as CCO 2.0

After checking the horses and wagons Fregelio hung his crossbow in plain sight before dismissing the women to their days work. The older women made mention of a girl he killed with it for trying to leave the caravan. He retrieved his small wooden chest from its hiding places then withdrew to his tent as he once again counted his money. The tent walls could not contain his words, “We should return to Spain again Zevan, here’s good gold from rich Iberian men with strong appetite for our little girl no?”
"I agree Fregelio there may be only a good year left in her before she'll be no longer passable as a virgin."
"The more she fights and struggle the better eh Zevan, a drink for our little gold mine."

The Camp by G Le Naour License by Pixabay

In the cool morning in the western Pyreneen mountains she was tasked to gather food for the evening meal. Most of the women prepared for day's routine duties and he reminded her of the consequences of trying to run away as he pointed to the crossbow, "Not only your sisters bear the brunt of my anger but you will suffer much worse off alone and helpless. Now don’t get lost!"

Taska trudged through the thickets and gnarled underbrush in the search for the delicate Spanish mushrooms Master Fregelio's would enjoy with his evening meal. Her simple dress was not ideal in gathering anything in the thorny unforgiving brush. She was helpless and hated the feeling. Papa always taught that she and her brother were much stronger than we thought, then took the time to teach them how to handle a knife, a club, a short sword. Taska never took the fighting lessons to heart but enjoyed her Father's daily assurance. She always believed her father would always protect her and so would her future husband.

She fell to her knees and wept, "I beseech thine some wandering soul free me from this wretched life!"
It was a ridiculous desperate attempt to kill the master of the brothel. She did manage to seize his dagger with both neither the strength nor the speed to use it. The bruises about her wrists and buttocks have healed from the whip was consequence of her rebellion. He snarled, "I would have done worse but I would not profit with damaged goods!"

Even if she had succeeded there was still his impetuous younger partner Zevan, and their unprotected caravan would be certainly be preyed upon by any band of Highwaymen.
She lamented, “We are helpless women.”
"Oh stop your drama little girl.” Spoke a disembodied voice.

The Raven by Jenla license Pixabay

The voice startled Taska, "Who eavesdrops upon me?" she scans around looking for the person but there was no one but a stout Raven staring at her from a fallen tree.
"Tis only the bird of death," leaning forward with her palms upon the sod. "Well foul bird of death; do you bring a gift to close my eyes in endless sleep?"
The Raven hopped off the log and bobbed to within her arm's reach.
"No, I bring only a proposition for a friend." The Raven replied.
Taska fell upon her backside, "You speak!"
"I am a spirit of Ambrogio dwelling in this form. I know you want power over your master and the fire of vengeance burns in your soul. Come and follow me into the forest and seize it and live forever to be the harbinger of wrath to your enemies."

Taska stepped out from the trees that opened to a beautifully cultivated meadow dotted with sheep. A barn and house stood against the northern tree line next to a creek. "Is this the place?"
"It is the home of Machel the Despised and he needs only one thing you can give." said the Raven.
"What is that?"
"Your company and a proposition and so he will wait for you."

Machel’s chair creaked as he leaned back, "You are but a mere child yet you endured so much more than any woman should. I can see why you seek my power." The handsome and learned man appeared no more than forty years of age yet lay claim to over three hundred years an elder. His eyes were evidence of his weary soul and from that eternal weariness also sought a final rest from a world that hated his kind, his existence as a Night Walker. The monster of the mountains as the locals called him but his demeanor was much more a cultured gentleman than a monster portrayed by the local myths. "Long go am I too have been tempted by the path of revenge for that was many years ago as my Sara was killed by the townspeople with three stakes through her heart. With no offspring of my loins I am content that you are willing to be the vessel and keeper of my secrets and essence.”

The house of Machel by Havost License by Pixabay

Taska cried, “I must be stronger than my master and be powerful enough to avenge my parents! I have no other purpose in my heart!”
"You are so young but you must understand, there is no going back once we exchange the blood. This way you are not under my influence but retain your own autonomy. "
"I want it," Demanded Taska with every fibre of her will.
"Your form will be able to endure indirect sunlight but you are more powerful in the moonlight, and that is my first lesson to you. Then I will teach you the rest my ways!" He took his knife and cut his left palm, then did likewise with Taska’s left hand.

"This day forth you become my offspring of damnation. Your day shall become night and your night become day. Nocte ac die in diem nox tua." Their hands clasped firm. A drop of blood falls upon the table top. "You will feel a numbness come over your body and then the quickening."

Taska felt the euphoria numbing her body. She could barely stand but at the same time fully conscious while her senses expand filled every space and crevices in the house. Nothing moved without her being aware. Then a chill came over her body and she began to shiver and grow faint. Machel quickly bandaged her hand then lifted her to his bed and covered her in blankets.

“I will bite your neck now as the venom cannot affect your mind in this state. Are you ready Taska?”
“Y-y-yes but I feel so c-c-cold.” She could feel her all her muscles tighten involuntarily at different strengths.
Her insides turned and twisted.
Her heart beat loud and erratic.
Her breathing became ragged.
It was if her body were in the throes of death without dying.
Machel whispered into her ear, “Here it comes, do not be alarmed.”

She felt the gentlest pricks upon her neck. Machel curled up against her body and wrapped his arms around to keep her warm. He sang a song that gave her soul some comfort. Her body finally relaxed then her tired eyes closed for a few minutes allowing her breathing and heart return to a comfortable rhythm and when she opened her eyes she beheld Machel studying her face.
“You’ve been sleeping for an hour.”

Taska sat up and threw the blankets off, she was still clothed. She felt her reflexes and speed of her body quicker than before. Her senses more acute and intuitive heightened. Glancing at his raven she picked up it’s curiosity, intelligence and loyalty to Machel.

“I didn’t do anything, I respected and cared over you as my perfect daughter, I have given ‘Birth’ to you in a sense, Ego parturientem.” He pours a cup of water and gives it to her. “When you are ready I can begin to teach you.” From all his books he held up what appeared to be a small journal.
“What is that?”
“My lessons, my secrets, take it, read it, and study it. Destroy it if you want to. My flock of sheep is yours, this pouch of money. After this my life will come to an end, I will join my wife satisfied.”

“Will I see you again Machel?” She sensed his sadness this time more intense and clear as he thought of his wife.
“Perhaps, let us begin with this page, the basics of Chimerstry, a skill known by the Ravnos. Oh yes you may meet others of the Kindred and one day they could take you in as a member. And I see you already picked up the skill of Auspex, the sensory abilities. Very good.”

A small figure appeared emerging from the trees in the early morning light followed by a flock of sheep. Teresa recognized her little sister, "Marie, our little Taska is back!"
Teresa wrapped her arms around Taska, “Where were you, we thought the worst, come here child?!”
Taska dropped the heavy basket of fresh vegetables at Marie’s feet. The women all took turns hugging her and expressed relief that she had finally return safe and unhurt.
Maria and the sister’s talk brimmed with excitement, “Sheep! Where did you get all these sheep?” It was a need fulfilled by having a healthy flock of sheep to provide valuable fabric, milk, and meat.
Taska replied, “A man leaving his home to a long journey gave them to me.”

Upon hearing the commotion Fregelio stormed out from his tent with his face red and his fists clenched ,“There you are you little brat! I sent Zevan looking for you and you must have fallen asleep somewhere, I’ll teach you a lesson on being too lazy, I had a rich merchant stopped by inquiring of your services and your absence cost me a gold Cruzado! I will teach you a lesson… that…Where did all this come from?”
The Raven flew overhead and alighted on top of Fregelio’s tent.

Portugal Manuel I 1495 – 1521 Gold Cruzado By Sim Johnson License as CCO 2.0

Reverse: +I:EMAHVEL:R:P:ET:A:D:GVIHE; arms of Portugal


Theodore still poured over the pages of the book careful not to soil it’s brand new pages taking in every word and nuance with fervor, memorizing and more reading as the sun went down. His meal now likely cold still sat next to him as he inched closer to the light of the campfire.

Campfire by NatashaG License by Pixabay

Claudia picked up the bowls to clean but the Squire insisted that it was incumbent upon him as a part of his duties. Instead she watched Lukkas inspect the health of the horses before tying them up for the night.

Issak sat down next to Claudia, “Mary of Menine, I must confess something that has bothered me. I have been with brother Lukkas since he was a mere child and I never recall you having met as children at all. I advise you not to take advantage of him as your claim rings of dishonesty and I shall be watching you from here on, understand?”
“I may have been mistaken,” Replied Claudia in a regretful tone, “I did not intend this to happen.”
“Be as it may, I will not see that my Brother’s lack of memory be taken advantage of whereas I still have my full faculties.”

R. Clip art from 123RF
W. Wiki Commons
Assassin’s Creed rights belong to UBIsoft Assassin’s Creed Universe Website


Previous Episodes of Claudia

The Heart of Ezio
Claudia Auditore da Firenze
Claudia: Origins of the Bloody Raven -The Inn
Claudia: Origins of the Bloody Raven –Sword of the Beast
Claudia: Origins of the Bloody Raven – Knight in Shining armor
Claudia: Origins of the Bloody Raven –The Cemetery
Claudia: Origins of the Bloody Raven – Weights and Measures
Claudia: Origins of the Bloody Raven – The Raven


Claudia from DeviantArt by WisesnailArt

By Connormah – Wikimedia Public Domain

“Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius” “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”

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