Happy anniversary

Hi folks,

Here's a bar picked up today along with my in-frickin-credible vintage JM bar.

Check yo self👇

So this is what I like to call my "@stokjockey find"


SJ is always ringin' the bell with kick ass vintage art bars, and I try to keep up, lol.

Check this mirror finish back, not engraved. Quite often I find them engraved with something like "Congratulations on the bat mitzvah Sheila" or something like that. So an unengraved one is awesome.


And it's coming up to my anniversary of leaving my abusive ex-wife. I've really learned a lot this last year. A lot about myself, a lot about psychology, about narcissistic personality disorder (classical psychopath), and how to escape from a partner who has it. Its scary business, if you or someone you know is suffering in silence, with an abusive family member or spouce, get help. Break the stigma, especially the stigma for us men. We men are just as easily abused as women, but there is almost no where to turn for men. No shelters, no support groups no safe houses, nothing. Get help, tell your friends, I mean your real friends.

Look at me. 12 months ago, I had a nervous breakdown, ran away from an incredibly abusive spouce with nothing but my truck and camping gear. Had most people in my life turn on me, and not believe me. Some turned on me then got attacked by my ex-wife, themselves, and have since come back as friends. Now, with help, I'm starting to kick ass again. I'm pushing iron in the gym, getting stronger, I'm cooking amazing meals again, but I'm still not woodworking again yet, which I miss, and I probably drink too much. And probably cry too much too. But I'm getting there.


Keep ass kickin' steemit!

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