The first SteemWay’s Santiago in history



I have recently finished what I believe is the first SteemWay’s Santiago in history.

Unless someone shows me otherwise, I think I was the first to have published publications of each and every one of the stages while walking on the Way´s Santiago ("Camino de Santiago").

The "Camino de Santiago" is the only Christian pilgrimage route that has remained unchanged on foot since the tomb of the apostle Santiago was discovered in the ninth century. It has, therefore, more than 1000 years old!

I set myself the challenge of walking the Portuguese "Camino de Santiago" by the Coast in nine stages, which has meant more than 170 km of travel. I have done it with my son, which has been an added factor that has greatly comforted me.

In the last publications of my blog are each and every one of the stages. If you are interested in expanding the information you can take a look.

We started in the hermitage of "Santa Tecla", near A Guarda, where there are magnificent views of the river Miño flowing into the Atlantic Ocean and forming the border between Spain and Portugal.

During the Way I have been accompanied by many friends of Steemit who have encouraged us and have followed the tours with interest. For their comments, I think they enjoyed together with us and lived the stages almost live, commenting on the beauty of the route they observed in the photographs.

While walking, I have reflected a lot and I have come to the conclusion that the beauty of the Way provides an intense emotional impact that produces some kind of psychological change.

There is much talk of the recollection and spirituality of the Way; I believe it is due to the beauty of it and the moments of solitude while walking and trying to overcome the obstacles of the Way. In many moments there is no going back, there is no alternative, or one goes forward or one becomes isolated without help. Then, you have to overcome and overcome the obstacles with determination and good cheer. This fact imprints character.

My interest has been the beauty of nature, the simplicity of the rural world, the gastronomy and in general the simple things.

I have spent some wonderful days of close companionship with my son in a special challenge for both. No one will forget it and it will remain forever in our memories.

The good weather has accompanied us on most days, except one that rained a lot throughout the day and we had to walk more than 20 km as well.

We have enjoyed forests with very dense vegetation of oak, eucalyptus, pine, beech and fern.

In the first part of the route, when we walk along the coast, the seagulls have been insistently accompanying us with their squawks. I have come to have a friendly relationship with them, especially since I discovered that they are monogamous birds that live in society and communicate with each other.

We have gone through vineyards of "Alvariño" grapes and have tasted their wines denomination of origin "Rías Baixas".

We have traveled by beaches and we have bathed in them and burned the skin.

We have visited the "Cies Islands", in an impass of the Way, where some say that it is the most beautiful beach in the world.

Along the Way we have seen many pretty flowers. We have also observed very ancient "Cruceiros" which were the signs of the Way in the middle ages.

Finally we have successfully completed and excited the 170 km and come to the cathedral of "Santiago de Compostela" that has recently cleared its facade. Now it is renovated and clean. It had not looked like this for many years.

I have been able to admire the recently restored "Pórtico de la Gloria", which has recovered its polychromy. Although to see it I had to wait three and a half hours of queue in the sun!

However, luck smiled later and I could see the Botafumeiro working. As well as, I could also give him the traditional "hug to the saint"; both are very difficult to see or do.

So the experience has been complete and I have shown that Steemit allows many things. For example, you can monitor daily an adventure, a vacation or a challenge and Steemit provides added value to the experience.

If you have the chance to do the "Camino de Santiago" do not hesitate, throw yourself, you will not regret it and, if you can, tell us about it in Steemit!



We started in the hermitage of "Santa Tecla", near A Guarda, where there are magnificent views of the river Miño flowing into the Atlantic Ocean and forming the border between Spain and Portugal.


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"Albariño" grape


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We have enjoyed forests with very dense vegetation of oak, eucalyptus, pine, beech and fern.

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Galician Horreo


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The seagulls have been insistently accompanying us with their squawks. I have come to have a friendly relationship with them, especially since I discovered that they are monogamous birds that live in society and communicate with each other.



Cíes islands



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My interest has been the beauty of nature, the simplicity of the rural world and in general the simple things.

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"Patos beach" with the Cíes islands in the background


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"Cruceiro de Francos" on the Portuguese Way


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"Pórtico de la Gloria", recently restored. I had to retouch a photo that I made to the exhibition brochure

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Traditional "hug to the saint"


"Botafumeiro" that is only flown on very rare occasions


Cathedral of "Santiago de Compostela", goal of the pilgrimage


I sincerely hope that you liked this publication. I wrote it with enthusiasm remembering the trip. My intention has been to accompany me, providing information but without being boring. I hope to count on you in other experiences.



All the photos are original and mine. I made with my iPhone 6. Also, I am the author of the separator drawings.

I await your comments!

¡Buen Camino!

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