The Monster's of Mt. Makiling


          Mt. Makiling is a dormant volcano located on the border of Laguna province and Batangas. The mountain rises to an elevation of 1,090 m (3,580 ft) meters above sea level. There is no eruption recorded in the history but geothermal features like mud spring and hot spring is still evident of its volcanic activity. (Source:

          It was known for the famous Filipino folklore Maria Makiling, who was believe to enter the forest and did not come back. Some says she was the guardian of the Mountain. Actually, we experienced her presence (I dont know if you believe) during our trek inside Mountain forest.

          Last February 20, 2017 me and my friends joined a climb in Mt. Makiling, it was organized by some mountaineers. It was uplanned hike, we're just thinking of where we can spend our weekends and Mt. Makiling just pop out in our discussion. Luckily, we found a group that conducted a Mt. Makiling hike that day. And because it was unplanned, we decided to commute instead of renting a van going to Los Banos Laguna, where we started the trek. The jump off point is located inside the University of the Philippines, Los Banos Laguna. We started the trek around 9:00 am after filing the registration for that climb. The sun is hiding that day, and the ambience was gloomy.

          The first few kilometers hike was fine, because the road was cemented already. But since the road is slightly inclined, we already feel the pain in our knees. As we walk the inclined road, we can only hear the sound of birds chirping and the sounds of our fellow hikers murmuring. But the sounds disappeared when we entered the rough road, as we observe to the other hiker, they just stop talking, maybe as a sign of respect to the forest itself, but for me, I just feel afraid so I just keep my mouth shut. The surroundings become foggy when we're inside the forest. And because Mt. Makiling is considered as a rain forest, the weather inside the mountain is unpredictable. Sometimes a heavy rain was pouring and suddenly gone in just a second. And because of the sudden rain, the trail became muddy, which cause us the difficulty in trekking.

"monsters" also known as Limatik, crawling his way up!

          A few moments later after entering the forest, the "Monster's" suddenly came out. A blood sucker creature that is silently and patiently waiting, hidden in a bush. They we're just jumping at us when they feel our presence near them. At first, we didn't notice them due to their tiny size. We will just see them when they oversize because they already sip our blood and filled with it without our knowing.
          I was really terrified when I saw some "Monster's" crawling slowly in my pants. They we're just looking for the blind spot where they can bury their fangs and suck my blood. I run along the trail because of so much fear. I dont know, but I'm afraid in all crawling creatures. My fellow hikers said "stay calm and spray them with alcohols", but sadly I didn't bring alcohol that day. I just used my cologne instead of alcohol. Luckily, cologne is also effective in eliminating them.

With enough courage and strength, we reached the top in just 3 to 4 hours. But because of bad weather condition, we didn't see much in the summit. We just take rest and check everyone if they carries some "monsters" with them. Although some of us is terrified, including me haha, we enjoy climbing the muddy mountain. You just need to overcome your fear and trust your fellow hikers who lead the way up. And although there's so many "Monster's" along the way, we just think that we also need something to share to to mother nature, and at that time it is our blood they need.

                        Evidence of our hardwork.

                        Me @ the summit.

          On our way down the mountain, our group was divided into smaller group. Because others are still tired and the trail is still muddy and slippery, so it took time for them going down. But for me, my fear for the crawling blood sucker creatures overcome my tirediness, thats why I walk very quickly. I almost run actually. Me and one of my fellow hikers lead the way down. Because we walk so quickly and we are busy chichatting, we didn't noticed that we are already far from the group. As we go along the way, the weather suddenly changed again. It became foggy and gloomy, that caused us big problem, because we can't see the trail clearly. So we slow down for awhile. Then out of nowhere, I heard a voice of a woman. Its like she's telling me something, like she's calling me. I dont know if its only in my mind so I ask my buddy. "Do you hear it?" I ask him. He said "Just ignore her and lets get out of here quickly!". I suddenly felt the cold wind in my skin that gives me goosebumps. We walk very fast and never looking back. We didn't to talk to each other until we reached the cemented road. I dont know what happened that time. Maybe someone really calling me that time or maybe there's another group of hikers behind us that time. I really dont know. When we are in the jump off point, where we clean our selves before leaving, I ask the group if they are behind us. They said no, because they rest for awhile in the middle of their trek going down. They are actually surprised becaused we are so fast and they didn't see our back. I just shrugged, and tell them of what I experience during our way down. And they said simultaneously "Maybe its Maria Makiling!".

                            Photo credits to the photographer. I dont know her name. Haha

          Maybe some of you will say that it is creepy climbing this mountain. But it is actually not. Our experience here is full of fun and adventures. The muddy trail, the foggy forest and even the "monsters" that is silently waiting somewhere in the jungle add spice to our adventure here. It reminds us that human are not alone in this planet, we have this fellow creature that needs our respect and our care. Just always remember when we are hiking: "Leave nothing but foot prints, take nothing but pictures and kill nothing but time." Have a happy climbing fellow steemians!

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