
Good day Steemians! I haven't been active recently here on Steemit because of my responsibilities at work that were all piled up. I'm still currently looking for a way to balance my energy between doing my obligations at work and doing the things I love and sharing it here on Steemit. Nevertheless, I will still do my best to share quality content that everyone would enjoy even at very least.

So for today, here's my photographs that I took from my recent trip on a sunflower farm during the weekends. This particular farm is located at Lalig, Tiaong Quezon. The place is quite well known among the locals so if ever you would try to visit the place, rest assured commuting to the place will be easy. Upon arriving at the place, there should be no entrance fee, but it is required for visitors to purchase at least a pair of sunflowers in order to somehow contribute to the well being of the place. The small farm is owned by a private individual but is currently managed by PWDs of Tiaong, so any amount of the proceeds will be automatically given to them. That's why purchasing some flowers from them would really mean a lot of help, and you will be quite happy yourselves.

During my trip, my little brother tagged along that's why he became my subject during my shoot. I'm still not quite that good or even knowledgeable in taking portraits and snaps of people that's why I hope you don't mind the mediocreness of these photos. The reason why I wanted to go to the place was primarily to support their advocacy to help the minorities and PWD's but on the personal aspect, I wanted to try out my Canon 50 mm prime lens. It was my first ever prime lens that I purchased for myself. I wanted to see on what ways I could use it to further enhance my skills in photography. I really wanted to try it's "bokeh" capabilities. lol. Also, I wanted try out my skills in post production. That's why as you can see, all these photos are already enhanced in a sense. I've used Adobe Lightroom during the process if ever you're wondering. Anyway, that's all, I hope you appreciate this short blog. PS. Helianthus is another term for a sunflower











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