The Always Up to Date Proposal to Support

(Edited for changes from Steem to Hive)
*** More changes Oct 5 2020 and DEC 8 2020***

This is a post for the Hive Development fund and for users to vote on our proposal so it has more likelihood to get funded... however this post also describes what we have done and what we hope to do coming up.
Our main account is now @peakd


PeakD is working toward making this the best place on the internet for Content Creators to come and share their work while owning and completely controlling their own content and connections with other people. Since Peakd started we have aimed to create an intuitive blockchain interface that has ALL the features our users want located in one place.

peakcover 8.png


We are a small scrappy company that has done an immense amount in roughly 3 years with limited funds and limited hours. We know with just a bit more of both of those we can more quickly fulfill our goals.

This proposal will cover a lot of the features we have on our roadmap so of course the whole @peakd team will work on the project ;)

If you don't know the team you can join us on Discord, have a look at this page or just check the following image for a quick overview:

HDF BACKGROUND (Hive Development Fund)

We previously published some small proposals (here and here). With the first proposals we received enough support to fund the new features (actually it was the very first proposal ever completed on the HIVE blockchain !!). The second proposal received a TON of support from a lot of votes but not enough big votes to pass the Return proposal and get funded. But we've released a bunch of those features in one of our previous posts nevertheless.

  • This Proposal was funded for about 62 days march 3rd may 5th
  • And has been funded again starting around october 2020
  • We still have the most voted proposal in Hive history however it presently
  • Also this proposal also has the highest number of votes in Hive (or steem) History.

The point is: we are committed to HIVE and we're developing on here regardless of Proposals because we have so many great users who love and support what we do.
-- Vote now on PeakD--

What we have learned about proposals

With our two past proposals we have also learned a bit more about the HIVE community and the DHF system:

  • We feel the Proposal System is not presently conducive to smaller proposals.
  • We recognize that many proposals take a long time to get the necessary votes.
  • Even if we have the most popular proposal doesn't guarantee it funds without the biggest HP owners.
  • The majority of proposals never get funded.
  • We have way too many feature sets we are planning and doing proposals for all of them takes away from actually working on them.
  • Some users have strong opinions on "Open" and "Closed" source projects, others don't mind. Therefore: PeakD proposals are challenging so we'll put all our effort into one proposal. Even though we do both Open Source and Closed Source projects.
  • It's difficult to estimate the actual funds that a proposal will actually receive (for example our proposal that has presently been funded only 3-4 months of the first year)
  • We are committed to improving PeakD and bringing value to HIVE regardless of this funding source.
  • Though proposals are challenging and they are a sensitive subject for some users... we still believe they are a great benefit for HIVE ... and so are we.

There are several ways to look at Proposal votes, however, our team believes: that projects should be evaluated accordingly to the value they bring to HIVE.
... We thus believe that we have brought a lot of value to HIVE and we're only just getting started.


Our singular proposal until further notice comes with this question:
Does improvement of PeakD BRING VALUE to HIVE? And do you believe bringing decentralized funding to PeakD will make HIVE better?
This is your personal decision, but maybe checking the @PeakD blog will give you an overview of the number of additions and improvements we have released in the past year and half.

If you think that our work is valuable for HIVE consider voting for the proposal.
-- Vote now on PeakD or with Steemconnect --

What WE Plan To Work on (UPDATED oct 5 2020)

In this paragraph we list a fraction of the things we plan to do in the future. These are not in order and doesn't have a set schedule.
PeakD has a long and solid record of consistency of development, interaction, commitment to our project and to HIVE.
Voting for this proposal is not to 'buy' new features, it's to support a system that has and is expressing extended interest in doing more.
And with more funds we'll hope to be able to do it faster and better.

  2. Messaging/Chat
  3. Incentives to bring users to Hive/Peakd (promoting views)
  4. Improve HDF UI
  5. Improve search UI
  6. More general UI upgrades
  7. More ways to discover new content
  8. Connecting new users to communities, topics, users, badges
  9. Learning mode in UI
  10. More FAQ documentation
  11. Improvements to badges
  12. Improvements to bookmarks aka "Curated Collections"
  13. Integrating more 3rd party projects
  14. More development on Communities
  15. Multi-languages
  16. Delegation to new users
  17. And a future marketing project

We are a for profit company

We don't always specifically list many of our future money making features and more specifically we didn't explain (in the above list) how some of the features above make money... But rest assured we are in it for the long run and plan to make good money as a business while helping our users make money as well.

Some people believe that HDF proposals shouldn't go to for profit companies. We respect your opinion. We believe proposals are voted on by the community if they believe the proposal will bring value back to them.

If you think that our work on some of the above points will benefit the HIVE ecosystem consider voting for the proposal.
-- Vote now on PeakD --

Funds for what?

Perhaps you want to know what we would likely do with the funds?

  • We'll be able to devote more time working on the project, and maybe be able to hire people to help with specific parts of it to get the features to users even faster.
  • Pay for infrastructure required to run including new infrastructure. (it's not an huge bill but each month we spent part of our revenues to cover those costs)
  • We can use the funding to look into small outside marketing (obviously we are not requesting enough to do big time marketing).

We were funded for a couple months we did put much more time into the projects during that time. We also donated a large chunk to a developer competition.
The rest is put to the side. While it could fund some small projects it isn't quite enough to hire a developer. BUT we are still ALWAYS looking for good developers to work with whether it's integrating their projects or working together on new projects. But the end goal would be to find a more consistent worker to pay... however we also want to hire them long term.

If Not Fully Funded?

It is likely other proposals will come and go, and ours may be funded at times and not funded at other times and that's ok... this has already happened.
This is not a Kickstarter campaign, this is not a business proposal and this is not an ultimatum... this is a question if you think the Proposal system paying out to PeakD will make HIVE better? We will use any funds to make PeakD better and thus the experience for HIVE USERS.


  • Our proposal is for 395 SBD a day.
  • As with our previous proposals the receiver for the funds will be @peak.proposals (read more about it here)
  • As of right now there is 716k+ HBD in the account for proposals
  • Daily possible funding for HDF is 7168HBD
  • Presently there is about 3838hbd being funded

We understand that during the duration of our proposal there will be other proposals that will come and go that have a lot of value to HIVE and we may get partial funding during those times.

Do you think we bring value to the HIVE ecosystem and are you willing to give a vote to help accelerate what we can do?
--Vote now on PeakD--

Basically with funding, from the community in general, we have the ability to do more of these features in a shorter time period, so the HIVE ecosystem sees the benefit more quickly. We can onboard more people ourselves while providing the much needed education for new users. Developers will be able to dedicate even more time to providing the ultimate front end to experience HIVE, and one that can actually attract new users. While also perhaps allowing the hiring of additional developers to results faster.

Our Body of Work

And to those who vote based on past merit see what we've created at:

These are just a sample of the update posts since we created this proposal:
And see the dozens of feature filled updates this year on our blog: @peakd

  • Look at what we have done in a bit over a year with just one part time (yet very dedicated) developer, who has a full time job. Imagine what we could accomplish with this opportunity, and what that could mean for the HIVE ecosystem.

2020 UPDATES (Since March-OCT)

  • Beacon (Open Source)
  • HiveMind plugin (Open Source)
  • View analytics
  • Explore top viewed posts
  • Handling Node issues with node switching
    Switched to Hive
  • Communities UI
  • Communities titles
  • Tipping system
  • New improved wallet supporting several projects
  • New sorting methods
  • Badge UI
  • Hiveonboard (free easy signup)
  • Referral system integration
  • Integrate Notifications system
  • Peak FAQ project
  • PeakLock login system
  • Simpleswap integration
  • New promotion system and burn promotions
  • Community promotion system
  • Integrate Hivebuzz
  • Tipping with btc,ltc,doge
  • Change password, recovery and check keys systems
  • Most viewed discovery improvements
  • Improved draft UI system
  • Cross post improvements
  • Dozens of smaller improvements
  • Improved dark mode
  • Promoting and content for hive games

The Peak Projects Team

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