Get on the Fast(ing) Track

Fasting has been done for thousands of years and there’s no sign it will ever stop.

Prophets, philosophers, and celebrities alike practice fasting because of its mental, physical and spiritual benefits. People like Yeshua (Jesus), Mohammed, Pythagoras, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Beyonce and so many more have practiced some form of fasting.

The benefits are numerous:

Fasting promotes weight loss,
reduces inflammation and strengthens your immune system,
helps clear your skin and prevent acne,
destroys free radicals and removes other toxins from your body,
lowers risk of Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s,
and it can increase your HGH levels by up to 2000% percent,
just to name a few.

So, what is fasting?

Simply, fasting is the absence of caloric intake for any period of time.
It is NOT starvation. The key difference is that fasting is deliberate while starvation is involuntary.

My longest fast to date is just over 36 hours. The roughest part was dinner time. I kept busy throughout the day but the smell of food got to me as the evening approached and I was winding down. I think the key is twofold: stay hydrated and stay occupied.

Below is a quick one minute video by NAS Daily about his experience fasting:

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