Steemit Sandwich Contest Week # 2 - The Eggplant Sandwich (5th Entry)

On my first trip to New York City decades ago, I tried this epic eggplant sandwich in the Italian district. It was so delicious that I could not get it out of my head. When I returned to Toronto, I went ‘nut’ searching for it at local Italian restaurants. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any luck and so I decided to give it a try and make it at home. Ever since then, it has become my favourite recipe.


I love eggplants and we consume a lot of them back home in Asia. Our eggplants though are a lot smaller and skinnier. When I came to live in Canada, I was so shocked that the eggplants here are all so huge. But then everything in North America seems a lot bigger than where I came from, the houses, the burgers, the clothing’s and etc. Of course, I don’t have a problem with that because I love food, lol.

For this recipe, I used one eggplant. First, you slice the eggplant and keep the slices in the order you cut them, this is because you want to match up two pieces that are similar in size. Then you layer cheese and hot salami in the middle of the two slices. After that, carefully dust them with flour, soak in egg and then breadcrumb. Put them on an oiled baking sheet. Baked them in the oven at 450 for 25 minutes. You do have to turn them once half way through.




The result is these glorious eggplant sandwiches. The thing is they don’t look as pretty or colourful, but they are jam-packed with flavours. There is something about baked eggplant … it just tastes so darn good! Really, pictures do not do justice.

Don’t get me wrong, I love all my sandwich creations, but if I were stranded on a desert island and could only take one of my sandwiches, I would have to pick this epic eggplant sandwich, LOL.

So, if you were in that situation, what sandwich would you take to the desert island? If you do have a sandwich you like that much, that means you will have to join in the Steemit Sandwich Contest to share the love, you feel me?

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