Tips and How to Cook Rice For Beginners


One of the typical Indonesian people is not considered to eat if you do not meet rice. Despite eating martabak, meatballs, juice, and various snacks, still say it has not eaten. Hence, rice is the staple food in the community. On that basis, I feel that I need to know how to cook good and true rice.

Choose a good quality rice

In the market, there are so many types of rice on offer, with various price variations as well. Among the many types of rice, you may be confused choosing good quality rice. Good rice has a characteristic that is clear and free of dirt. The aroma was fragrant. If pressed, good rice will not break easily.

Wash the rice

Before cooking, rice should be washed first. It aims to keep dirt and dust from sticking to rice wasted along with water. Even so, try to wash the rice maximum 2-3 times only. Washing rice too often will only remove the fiber and vitamins contained in the rice.

Add water with a ratio of 1: 2

If you are afraid that the rice you cooked is too hard or too soft, you can try to make a 1: 2 ratio. For example, if you cook one glass of rice, then the water used is as much as 2 cups. You can also estimate the amount of water by putting a finger into a rice pot that has been filled with water and rice. If the water level reaches one finger joint above the surface of the rice, it means the dosage is fitted.

Cook the rice until cooked

Furthermore, you can choose to cook rice traditionally or use a rice cooker.

Too easy, right?

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