Negative Impacts Of Family Conflict For Children

Negative Impacts Of Family Conflict For Children

In principle, the family is one of the first educational places the child receives because the first thing the child receives comes from the family (the parents). it is unfortunate that if a child grows up in a conflicted family, it will be very influential for the development of physical and mental health for children.


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Often we see parents who do not care about their children whom they perceive disharmony in the family will have no impact on the child. This is a very fatal mistake that is often done by parents. We as parents should really understand this.

We can not deny that in running the family there must be many trials that we experience, but we must also understand very well the best way to solve a problem so that children are not included in the problem so that the child's development goes well.


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We as parents should be good role models for our children so that our children can capture the positive things of us. Many parents do not fully understand the impact that will occur when a child is born into a conflicted family. The impact of family conflicts on children will be seen as he grows up, including anxiety disorders. difficult to interact with humans and difficult to accept reality.


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Quite unfortunate if a family does not understand the impact of family conflict for their children, because each of us would want our best child, I do not think there are parents in this world who do not want the best for their children.
It is our duty that parents should understand well before all is happening, many ways to avoid conflict in the family one of them with the deliberation. We as parents can not be selfish for each other because the harmonious families are hand in hand.

Sometimes we underestimate something bad for ourselves. The child is a gift of God that we must guard carefully because the future of the child is in our hands.


Regards @jefryagooners

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