Effects Of Gadget Addiction For The Health Of The Eyes Of Children

Technological development today is very fast, one of the technologies that have been united in humans is a gadget, imagine an hour you are not in touch with what gadgets will happen to you. I myself can not imagine what would happen to me if one hour I was not in touch with the gadget. it looks like the gadget has control of everything

the biggest consumer gadgets are adults but lately a lot of us encounter around us many kids who wear them and I will say that the world of children has been mastered by these gadgets and this is a big task for us parents.

Gadget Fffect For The Eyes Of The Child.

as we know the eye is one of the most sensitive sensory devices that we need to keep properly. do you know why kids really like gadgets? the answer is game. games that exist in the gadget has brought the children come to like the goods that should be adults who have it. just imagine if you give your gadgets to your child the first thing he is looking for is a game because the game is one game that is very liked by the child, sianak if he has got what he is looking for he will not know tired this is where the eye will play. imagine me when from a small eye is tired of what will happen when he matures later surely he will wear glasses, and this is very unfortunate for the future sianak.


Source Image : http://doktersehat.com

I want to suggest to all parents that our role here is very important, limit the use of gadgets for children, and do not get used to gadgets mastering your child's brain.



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