For the girls - Have you seen that 'cottage cheese' on your thighs? - Information for teen girls

You put on your bathing suit and for the first time you see the skin on on butt, stomach and thighs look very weird - almost as if somebody had spread cottage cheese over it, all lumpy ..... say hello to cellulite!!!

Cellulite is fat deposits that push against the connective tissue and can be seen on the outside of the skin.  Do not think that only overweight people has cellulite.  Skinny people can have it too and women and girls (sometimes men also) can have cellulite.

If you want to see if you have cellulite or that it will be more visible when you get older, you can pinch a piece of the skin on your thighs.  If it looks lumpy you most probably have cellulite.

There are many factors that plays a role if you will have cellulite or not.  It can be in your genes which means you have inherited it, it can be because of your weight, your sex, age and even the thickness of your skin.

Even though there can be a lot of reasons why you will get cellulite, there are also a lot of ways in which you can get rid of it.

Unfortunately not all treatments are effective and some only lasts a while, before the cellulite is visible again.

Some treatments are vert expensive and can even be evasive but will not always work.  Some people believe that liposuction will remove cellulite, but the truth is that it will only remove the fat deep in the body, and cellulite is just underneath the skin.

If you feel that you are overweight, you can try loosing a few pounds which will reduce the cellulite.  Exercise can also help, but many times we just need to accept it if we are one of those unfortunate ones for whom different treatments will not help and we will be stuck with cellulite.

It is also good to drink enough water every day to flush out toxins from your body.

Some people will make sure they get a tan or use self tan lotion, since cellulite is less visible on darker skin than very light skin.

Having cellulite is maybe not always very attractive, but you are not the only one that has it and the person you are on the inside is much more important than a few patches of cellulite.

Watch the video on some DIY treatments for your cellulite.


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