Allies vs Adversaries


In a recent post, I explained how I found my way into photography, what draws my attention and why.

When I began drafting that post, I'd intended to announce a new initiative. As a preface, I wanted to introduce the concept of using my photographic skills to highlight beauty and touch on why I feel it's important. Somehow, having delved so far into that, it felt out of place to then outline details of a Steemit-specific project.

Here, then – to complete that thread – is a brief addendum.


The first time my partner showed me this platform, I was immediately struck by how...drab it was – devoid of visual stimuli – lacking creative intention. Rather than be put off by my first impression – which was something close to how I've responded to the text-heavy slog that is Reddit – I decided to explore a bit.

Naturally, one of my first stops was the 'photography' tag. We all know what a terrible disappointment that was. I was pretty shocked to see truly unimpressive content earning absurdly high rewards. Of course, knowing nothing of bid bots and reward pool abuse and allll the unsavory stuff, I thought – 'I can do better than that.'

I arrived with that intention, motivated to beautify this platform – to drop intriguing photos wherever possible – to bring the same level of intention to commenting as I afford my primary posts – to pour the entirety of myself into each song I share – to sincerely show up to the best of my ability.

I likely would've been content to continue in that vein, avoiding politics altogether, had I not chosen to speak up about sir Grumpy Kitten.


Sometimes Our Roles Choose Us

The fallout from that post led me in directions I could not have predicted. Though I initially perceived those shifts as being unrelated to my initial intentions for how I'd engage with this space, I've come to understand that it's all related.

The in-between place in which I found myself during the week following that post afforded me a rather unique perspective. As described in a follow-up piece, I saw a lot of unproductive bickering, and found myself wanting to step in – to somehow help facilitate resolution between opposing sides.

I saw a glaring need, and though I felt uncertain as to my ability to effect real change, I launched a diplomatic initiative – the Steemit entity, @theziplomat, and its related Discord, The Kindness Collective – a dedicated space for conflict resolution, mediation and emotional support. (@Sykochica and I recently had a chat, on record, about what that looks like.)

'In an ideological age, diplomacy may seem weak and prosaic. But sometimes it is all we have.' – Noah Feldman

Allies vs Adversaries

I now realize this initiative is an attempt to beautify the ways in which we communicate – to encourage more productive, gracious means of engaging one another, as well as how we relate to ourselves.

I may still be a newbie, but I already care about the health of this place. Even if only by degrees – this initiative aims to bring a bit of balance to the overall conversation, lest we slowly erode our foundation, one petty argument at a time.

I know this won't be easy. On the contrary, I can tell already — it’s a rather thankless job. Regardless, I won't shy away from it.

Why? Because I imagine how this space reads to those who haven't yet joined – folks like myself who're watching from the sidelines, wondering wether or not they should dive in. If what they see is the ugliness – the childish, retaliatory flag wars – the harsh, unfriendly exchanges between people – how likely are they to want to join?


The Kindness Collective

I may have initiated it, yet this project is not mine, nor is it about any one person.

I hope the community will come to embrace it as belonging to all of us – that others will eventually step forward to offer mediation and emotional support – that we begin to catch ourselves before lashing out, choosing to work through rather than escalate our grievances – that, in ways big and small, we learn to be a bit more compassionate with ourselves and one another.

An excerpt from the The Kindness Collective manifesto:



“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall take flack from both sides."- Unofficial UN Motto” ― Robert Lynn Asprin, Sweet Myth-Tery of Life

Heartfelt gratitude to those who've already joined the effort:


To request support, simply tag @theziplomat or visit the The Kindness Collective and leave a message in the #support-requests channel.

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