[exercise] running!!🏃🏃

Hello. @yeyeye. I'm Korean. My article is translated into English. I apologize for the inconvenience of the article because it was translated using a translator. I hope that my article will provide usefulness.

「Running +」

•.If you have sneakers without separate equipment or supplies, you can enjoy it in the nearby playground.

•. Runner's high or "running high": 30 minutes after running, it feels more refreshing than pain. To reduce the pain of running in the brain, a powerful analgesic drug like morphine 'beta endorphin' occurs because of increased blood levels. Stress is relieved, it is also divergent, and it feels good and it helps to treat depression.
So those who have experienced Runners High will continue to run as though they were addicted to drugs.

「Correct running」

•. Time and frequency: It depends on purpose.

☞ Diet Purpose: The human body starts running and uses an easy-to-use intramuscular glycogen for up to 30 minutes as an energy source, but when it's over, it burns up the fat that it has accumulated.
It means that you lose weight. So it is important to run more than 30 minutes at least three times a week.

☞ Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Objective: It is much more important how steady it is to be than time and strength. A recent study by Dr. Carroll, a researcher at the New Orleans Oxnard Medical Center in New Orleans, found that running just under 51 minutes a week is a great help to health.

•. Time and Frequency: The best thing is to run about 20 to 30 minutes (2.5 to 5km) twice a week at one time, but even if it runs more than that, it is not particularly good for your health. Instead, it is important to keep it steady every week. Running long is not necessarily good.

•. Posture: When running, usually more than three times the load is applied to the ankle or knee than when sitting quietly. To reduce this load, keep your body as perpendicular as possible to the ground.
Straighten your head, stretch your chest and waist, and pull your butt out straight forward.
Also, keep your knees parallel so that you do not spread your toes.


•. During running, heart rate is usually faster than 180 beats per minute and systolic blood pressure increases to 180, so people with normal high blood pressure or poor heart condition should consult their doctor before starting.

•. There is a high incidence of knee injuries or fractures called "runner's knee" caused by repetitive shocks on the knee, so it is not unreasonable for anyone to start running after middle age.

Running long is not always good.
It's all about exercise, but you have to be careful of simple exercises like running. Let all the Steemians exercise and be healthy! 🙌🙆💃

thank you for reading:)


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