My Intro: How I lost 180 lbs in 1 Year

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From May 2015 to October 2016

My weight loss had been the most interesting thing that happened to me in this lifetime.

As a child up until my first job after college, I had always been fat. I thought that was just fine until I hit the obese line, until my days suddenly turned too much of a struggle due to my weight, until no decent clothes fit me anymore, and until signs of health problems (chest pains, skin allergies, and signs of diabetes) started showing.


I've been fattest right after college during my first job as Philosophy instructor in a local university. On the scales, I was hitting 300 lbs and I couldn't care less. But I reached a breaking point. I reckon, If I wish to live longer and live happier, I must lose weight. Thanks to my friends, @purepinay and @rcarter, I got on a right track to start.


Immediately the morning after I decided to lose weight, I totally cut my carbohydrates to zero. That means no bread, pasta, and most of all, no rice! As Filipino, that's a feat of struggle since rice and white bread are staples in all our meals. But I was forthright and determined.

September 2015. Four months after May 2015,

Intermittent fasting was also crucial. That means right after 8 PM, I had no solid food intake until 12 noon the next day. This jumpstarted a 3-month maximum weight-loss feat for me. Immediately after I hit plateau, I started working out to maintain my weight and to start eating full meals at regular intervals. From 320 lbs in 2015, I hit 140 lbs in October last year.

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My weight-loss journey is far from over. What I accomplished so far was just the beginning of a lifetime dedication to healthy living. Up to today, I am still figuring out a better dietary routine, a better workout routine, a better sleeping routine.

In shaping up and in life in general, the search for the better is always crucial. The "best" is always the "better" of what we already think is "best". Anything less would just be mediocre, futile, and a waste of life!


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