Back to Steemit after a short spring break :)

❤ ❤ ❤ Hello Dear Steemit Friends! ❤ ❤ ❤

After a short spring break I'm coming back to you with some new ideas and spirit, guys.

There's some new cool vibe in the air :)

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Here you can see me pondering melodramatically on the future of the world ON HOLIDAY

I've missed you!

I've been enjoying time spent on Steemit very very much. I'd say it's a life-changing experience and I would love to see more people joining us here to meet new friends and thrive :)

Thank you so much for your continuing support. You've been great help and inspiration to me!

BTW, we soon have Mother's Day here in Poland ❤ It's on 26th of May. I will give my Mom a present. Do you celebrate Mother's Day on May 26th? I'm curious if this is an International holiday. Please let me know :)



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