Hello everyone, just need a couple of minutes of Your Attention. Please read the whole post.

This story You are about to read is about a real guy and it is happening right now.

That guy is Me. And this story can end up really bad or really well only time will tell.

Let me tell You what is going on and why this is my scream for help in a situation that I had no control.

My name is Sergio Mendes and I am 30 years old. I was born in Portugal and I am currently living in London, UK. Since I was a Young teenager I have always wanted to move to this amazing city. It took me a while until I've decide to make the move but eventually when I was 24 years old I was brave enough and I did it.

Since then I have been living on my own, working jobs I hate to make a living.

I can tell You that I have always liked the creative fields since I was really Young but unfortunately like so many other People life circumstances haven't allow me to grow and develop in any of the areas that I really wanted.

For Years and Years now I have been working jobs I don't like to be able to survive. And for 7 Years also I have been creating content online to keep my brain creative and to keep myself sane.

Probably like so many of You I haven't been able to create a stable income online that allow me to do a living. I have been making some money here and there, been trying my best to create the best content possible. But having a full time job that won't bring me any happiness also make me lose all the motivation and sometimes creativity to push myself to the limit and do what I really Love: Create.

As You read this I am unemployed.

That means I have no job, I have no income stream. In the scenario that this story end up really bad I might not even have a place to live next Month. Hopefully that won't be the case.

I want to do something really crazy and that is why I need Your support and your help.

I want to just create content online and stop working jobs I hate.

People say that sometimes bad things happen for a reason. And I was thinking about that and decided to start writing my heart out. Open up to all of You and try to reach for the stars.

I want to break free and be able to finally create content online on a full time basis and be able to pay my bills doing that.

Unfortunately it is not easy to reach People.

And in all honestly without the money to pay my bills it is impossible for me to do that. Because I will have to go again door by door begging for a job that I will hate and will drain all my energy, creativity and in the end will drain all the life out of me.

What do I need You guys to do to help me?

I am not here to ask You guys for donations.

All I am asking is for Your upvote and Your reSteem.

That is it.

What do I promise to do with Your help?

Work really hard 24/7 to keep bringing the best content.

Help the community to grow.

Make sure other People in my circumstances get their opportunity.

Basically do All that I have always wanted to do but haven't done because never got the chance.

I feel humble to be posting this message.

It didn't took me a lot of thinking if I should post this or not. I am writing from my heart. And also from some place inside of me that is crying and desperate without knowing what to do.

I have reach a point where I know that I need to ask for help.

This is that point.

Help me write the end of this Guy story and help me to write a happy ending.

I don't know if Zero People will go read this or if it will actually reach a broader audience. But anyway I want to say thank you in advance to every single one of You that have chosen to show me some love and make my Dreams finally come true.

Without further to say for now I will leave You.

Thank You for Your attention, have an amazing day.

Be Happy.



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