Drunk Yoga has "Spiritual" People Acting Like Their Panties Are All in a Bun

I am amused by all the judgement!!! Why do so many people believe that if you do yoga you must be a raw vegan, not enjoy any recreational substances, and act as if they are holier than thou? It feels very dogmatic...I am a solid intermediate yogini...Heck I practice at the Yoga Barn in Bali where I have lived for the last two years and I see all the people coming through acting as if they are holier than thou...It is nice to see honoring and sacred space...but to believe that honoring our inner divinity means having no fun and living like an ascetic monk is what it has to look like shows your spiritual immaturity...This is religious programming coming through...or 12 step programming...I know how I will piss plenty of people off with that comment!!!...Hahahahahaha!!!...I wrote a paper on it actually and I will share the link belowAll those 12 step programs are just that programming!!!...and in a disease model not a holistic wellness model...the only reason AA works at all because the root of addiction is the lack of connection to others...not having healthy relationships with supportive profound bonds...the 12 step programs help people stop drinking but teach them they have a disease called alcoholism which is a crock of shit believed by a population of disempowered and emotionally broken people that have become so superficial and shallow at the community, local, and family level...We have an extremely poor sense of what a family is meant to be here...very superficial bonds from a soul perspective and there is much emotional blackmail which is when people put conditions around their love they trade with others instead of giving it...I will love you if____ but if you look at what I deny or subconsciously suppress because I have far too much shame or guilt about it-you must pretend it does not exist or I won't love you ...It is wonderful so many are starting to exercise their egos but eradicating them or just pretending they are not having thoughts or acting on their flow of feelings and thoughts is just the very baby steps...it is in denial of the divine feminine...calm, peaceful, serene, ascetic monk like behavior is divine masculine expression of our inner divinity...it is devoid of the feminine...and all these rukles about no mine or cannabis or any judgement of any other offering on Earth is mere spiritula childishness...Goddess, our inner Divine Feminine is Durga/Sophia/Radharani...there are many names for many archetypal Goddess or GodDess templates...Your attitudes alone show you would benefit from a lot more mat time and expanding your consciousness with more consciousness awakening practices, especially observing your judgements...there is aGiNormous difference between judgements and observations...You all are reacting from fear in your spiritual ego...when your ego first senses what it is part of and it's role...which is far more GiNormous than most people here have even the slightest idea of...Here is my article on what is wrong with the current 12 step program systems...aside from the fact that their is a 13 step template...lol...I love this ChickStar GodDess...she is creative and she is correct...you judge yourselves better than those people particpating and having fun doing yoga drinking wine...she got people who wouldn't otherwise try it to do so...One of my favorite t-shirts is Yoga now wine later...and I am a Spiritual Awakening Facilitator, Conscious Evolution Coach, healer, and social and spiritual activist here to inspire and facilitate Awakening and Remembrance in the one human family...I say what I say with love from observation as I would if you were my grown children...It is ALL your choice down here...there are no victims though you can't see that yet and there is a very real and dense energetic inheritance here that everyone must go through..and your soul chose what your path is so your higher Self is the creator of everything you are going through and the sooner you learn/remember how to promote your ego/avatar to the director of your integrity for your higher Self/Soul...the sooner you will lessen your suffering...and struggle

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