Dining with the One and Only @allasyummyfood / 品尝美女厨师@allasyummyfood的晚宴


For those of us new or seasoned veterans to the Steemit platform, you will most likely have heard of @allasyummyfood, our very own “Steemian Chef”! Her name is normally associated with delicious food, desserts and recipes! And judging by her large selection of recipe videos, it’s not hard to see why.

We met at the first ever London meet up last year and ever since, I have been secretly dying to try out her awesome food. And this year, I finally got that opportunity when dining out at her special Christmas get-together. I was also glad to have caught up with some other great steemians too, which was fantastic!

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The dinner party was hosted in a restaurant called Louie Louie, located in Walworth road, South London. The ambience was inviting, relaxed and comfortable. We were made to feel very welcome by the barman offering a nice range of drinks to choose from.






It was so great to see our Steemian friends again ( @nanzo-scoop, @starkerz and @timsaid). I was not expecting to see them so soon after Steemfest II last month, but this was an unexpected and great surprise! We also met new Steemians including @simonjay, @extremeromance and the awesome @redrica!





(Photo was accredited to @ivargereiko )


(Photo was accredited to @ivargereiko )

Of course, our host @allasyummyfood and her boyfriend @ivargereiko were busying themselves in and out of the kitchen preparing food. Such an energetic couple! Her sister was also helping serve everyone which was so sweet of her!


The food was amazing as we all knew it would be! Alla presented us with a first class ten course menu featuring her favourites Russian cuisines. Ten courses may sound like a lot of food in terms of quantity but they spaced it out perfectly allowing most of us to actually finish it all up, haha.

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Let’s take a look and see in greater detail what food we had on offer:

Alla prepared a healthy selection of sweet and savoury canapés, including an assortment of classic fish, mushroom, cheese and aubergine treats. They are such an easy-to-pick-up “finger food” and irresistibly delicious!


(Photo was accredited to Alla.)


(Photo was accredited to Alla.)

The Russian Olivier Salad was fantastic. Apparently this is one of the most traditional Russian dishes you can get. The dish is made from fresh vegetable and feels really refreshing when eaten. I fell in love with it immediately, lol.


Traditional Borsht Soup was a great appetizer, the main ingredient being beetroot which gives it a trademark deep reddish-purple colour. It’s as authentic as you can get. A delicious, hearty dish indeed.


Hot Cheesy Hachapuri is fresh home-made bread filled with four different types of cheeses. You almost want to plant your face straight into this cheese heaven, no joke, lol… It’s that yummy!


For the main course, we all enjoyed some succulent slow roast chicken, served up with a helping of potato, seasoned veg, crispy Yorkshire pudding and gravy. The slow-roast cooking method kept the meat incredibly juicy and tender while keeping the skin light and crisp. Absolutely divine!


Though the general consensus was the dessert being the best treat of the night. A serving of gorgeous double chocolate & Oreo Cheesecake with a side of creamy vanilla ice-cream. For me there is no better way to win over our hearts than that super delicious surprise! I was very impressive at the overall presentation of the dish. A sprinkling of chocolate sand, a lollipop and the delicious deep fried crispy cinnamon ring one culminated in the perfect “food-porn” as Alla would say! A definite winner for the night, lol.


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There was a great vibe throughout the evening and the amazing company took the whole event to another level. I had such an enjoyable evening! Alla has been a wonderful host and arranging everything so well. She successfully delivered a gorgeous meal while still engaging with all the guests and providing us a memorable and perfect time together. Well done, Alla! Thank you so much!

Here’s to the next time. :)



圣诞聚餐是在伦敦南部的一家餐馆Louie Louie。餐馆挺雅致的,让人感觉很温馨舒适。我们刚坐下侍应生就热情地过来为我们点饮品。

不少Steemian朋友也来了,像 @nanzo-scoop
@starkerz@timsaid。没想到上个月才刚刚在里斯本的Steemfest II见面,现在这么快又能相聚,真是一个意外的惊喜哦!我还新结识了很友好的Steemians,包括@simonjay@extremeromance,还有@redrica

我们的宴会主人 @allasyummyfood 和她的男朋友@ivargereiko在厨房里准备食物,进进出出的,忙得不亦乐乎。连妹妹也有来一起帮忙哦,呵呵。

圣诞大餐的食物好丰盛, @allasyummyfood 为我们准备了十道菜,都是她最爱的俄罗斯美食。十道菜听起来似乎很多食物,但每道菜上来的时间安排得很适当,让我们不知不觉地越吃越多,哈哈。


@allasyummyfood 做了几种开胃菜小点心,有经典的鱼,蘑菇,奶酪和茄子。这种小点心设计成一口就能吃完的大小,方便手指取用,而且美味得令人无法抗拒!



Cheesy Hachapuri是种有嚼劲的面包,中间装满了四种不同类型的芝士。酥脆的面包皮,浓厚的芝士,这简直就是天堂!




@allasyummyfood , 谢谢你将这个圣诞聚餐办得这么好,我很期待下一次哦!


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