
It's finally upon us, the famous - or infamous with all the discussion around it - HF19!
Name code: EQUALITY.


First impression are surprisingly postive. Posts retained a lot of their value and some even went up for me, which I am incredibly grateful for ( THANK YOU FOLLOWERS! ) but also a lot of the smaller user's post that I follow seem to have gone UP A LOT. That's actually amazing to see.

Another thing that I noticed and love is that my upvote at 100% can give a lot. I just upvoted a post at 50% for 3$. I felt like a WHALE! :D

But enough about money....

I feel that this could increase the stickiness of new users. No one can lie that we first stuck around for the money than really got in deep because of friends and community. I know that's a lot of empty talk on "community" around here. Everyone seems to talk about "building" a community! Yet...

Look at the number of comments and people [ me included] who await every post of @meesterboom's. Look at all the food lovers people like @gringalicious or @foxxycat and various other food blogs bring to celebrate their recipes and photos!
Look at people like @wingz, @joseph who gather the trade-inclide people around their every smart and knowledge-full writings.
And finally, I look inward.

I want to make a little distinctions: There's having "followers" and there's having a "following". Big difference. The biggest difference is engagement of your followers. How many real "fans" do you have. That takes a while and lots of effort to build!
It's also worth it.

This is nothing new, bloggers everywhere know that. You want any kind of success you need fans, you need people to CARE to some degree. I look at my blog and I don't know. I try to provide my perspective on things and I think I am getting a lot better at this given my last 9 -12 months of blogging but also I see a lot of areas for improvement. Still, I am grateful for all your support, upvotes, comments, questions and generally making @razvanelulmarin a pretty cool place to be at :)

So, I see equality not as a chance for all of us to be equal but for all of use to have an equal chance to get "there". It's aburd for me, with 3500 posts in 11 months to want to be as succesful and popular as @meesterboom who has 12000 posts. Anyone feeling slighted or upset they don't have the same level of success before forgets how much work Steemit really is. And it should be!
Until Today, a lot of people had this excuse: "I don't know whales".
but..you have 300 posts in 5 months...

Well, excuses over. That's what equality is for me and what I thikn can be for Steemit. Extra motivation to do the *DAMN WORK!

I'm looking forward to see what a bunch of super motivated people will bring to Steemit, how all this will change STEEMIT and why not, how all this will affect the price :)

Till next time!

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