4 *things that maybe you did not know about your daily meals. The third will leave you speechless. Spanish English*

1) Did you know that many of the red or pink foods that we eat daily get that color thanks to the extract of a particular beetle, it is one of the dyes that color our meals like ice cream, sweets and some types of Beverages, are made of a type of beetle called Cochineal Carmine and this type of dye is completely legal and many studies indicate that it is not harmful to health, but as there have been complaints about it, they are trying to replace them with dyes created from plants


2)Bee honey is one of the few foods in the world that never expires, no matter how long it is stored, it will not expire and it will be edible without risk. In 1922, when the tomb of Tutankhamun was opened, several containers with honey were found. Although they were stored for more than 3000 thousand years in the dark, they were still in good condition to be consumed.


3)The chewing gum contains a component called Lanolin (yellow fatty substance obtained from sheep, rams or horses) that is nothing more than sheep sweat, it is completely legal and many studies related to this topic show that it does not affect the health of people in absolute

4)The hamburger meat has a particular flavor to the rest of the meats since this meat is basically made of 100 cows processed at the same time, hence its particular flavor since it is a concentrate of 100 different cows



1) ¿Sabías que muchos de los alimentos rojos o rosados ​​que comemos diariamente adquieren ese color gracias al extracto de un escarabajo en particular, es uno de los tintes que dan color a nuestras comidas como el helado, los dulces y algunos tipos de bebidas, están hechos de un tipo de escarabajo llamado Cochinilla Carmín y este tipo de tinte es completamente legal y muchos estudios indican que no es dañino para la salud, pero como ha habido quejas al respecto, están tratando de reemplazarlos con tintes creados a partir de plantas

2) La miel de abeja es uno de los pocos alimentos en el mundo que nunca expira, no importa cuánto tiempo se almacena, no caducará y será comestible sin riesgo. En 1922, cuando se abrió la tumba de Tutankamón, se encontraron varios contenedores con miel. Aunque se almacenaron durante más de 3000 mil años en la oscuridad, todavía estaban en buenas condiciones para ser consumidos.

3) El chicle contiene un componente llamado Lanolina (sustancia grasa amarilla obtenida de ovejas, carneros o caballos) que no es más que sudor de oveja, es completamente legal y muchos estudios relacionados con este tema muestran que no afecta la salud de personas en absoluto.

4) La carne de hamburguesa tiene un sabor particular al resto de las carnes ya que esta carne está hecha básicamente de 100 vacas procesadas al mismo tiempo, de ahí su sabor particular ya que es un concentrado de 100 vacas diferentes

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