=> Chicken Tongseng <

> Chicken Tongseng <

4-5 servings
1/4 kg of small pieces of chicken2
4-5 pieces of torn cabbage
to taste Onion leaf
3 Tomatoes
2 btg Serei
2 kpg Leaves greetings
2 kpg orange leaves
1 cloves Onions
Handful of cayenne pepper (may be cut should not)
to taste ketchup
Materials in the puree:
5 cloves of red onion
3 cloves of garlic
The tip of a ginger
The tip of a turmeric finger
1/2 cup of cilantro tea
3 pecan seeds

Saute the onions until fragrant ... insert the bumbuh smooth ... give enough water ... enter the chicken that has been washed clean and in lumuri salt .... enter the leaves lemon leaves and lemongrass leaves ...

Wait and cover until the water loses ... enter flavoring, a little sugar, salt ... taste of soy sauce ... and taste correction ...

Enter the cabbage, tomato, cabbage and green onion ... wait until the kol wilt ... (forget in the photo)

Lastly add fried onions to complement ... eemmmmm maknyusss😋🖒

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