I'm saying goodbye to Steemit!

I'm leaving Steemit

Over the past few months, I have been up and down with the idea of leaving Steemit. When I first joined, I built up popularity very quickly and was successful with it. I then became very busy with my personal life and couldn't blog frequently and when I came back... I was suddenly unpopular!

Since then I have been trying a number of times to write engaging blogs, using pictures, images, tags, adding chapters of my written work, update on my publishing, even writing about my past trips and recent trip to Isle of Skye, and many more, to get people more engaged, but because I really don't have the time to understand how it all works properly, I feel this has given me a set back. It's a shame as I could really do with using Steemit, it would really help me when I get back to studying after the summer, if I could just get my popularity up...

In October I am starting my Master's Degree, they are extremely expensive here in the UK as well as living costs, so I'm having to cut my losses with Steemit and just cash out everything I have to give myself a fighting chance with living and completing my Masters. I'll go back to being a normal person and work a part-time job. But I wish you all a very good luck!

Who knows. Maybe one day I will back?

If you'd like to stay in touch, feel free to follow me on Twitter, or follow my WordPress blog here:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/penny_hoops
WordPress: https://pennyhooperblog.wordpress.com/

Also, please do check out my written works

All the best!
~Penny. :)
(The Girl Who Whispered).


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