See what my mummy made me do. What kind of mummy are you mum?

I am a baby. I don't know how to spell words..let alone blogging. And helloooo I don't even talk real language.. But my mummy made me blog. She said I have no job and I should have my own money to buy my stuffs like milk powder, diapers, food yada yada yada.. So she made me blog. (This is just a get it..right? No baby was harmed during this write up). I love you mummy ❤

Hola! Noahstory for today is about milestones. Well as at this moment, I am in the phase of learning/training how to stand and balance my body. I love to stand and take steps. But I just wobble. Parents, especially the mums, are very 'want-my-baby-to-reach-his/her-milestones-exactly-as-what-the-book-says'. At least that's what I think my mummy is.
Source: Google

But now mummy has learnt that, we should embrace each accomplishment I made, be it a huge one as knowing how to walk or a small one as knowing how to peek-a-boo. It is not about how fast I get there, it's the climb (am I quoting Miley Cyrus' song here?).
Source: Google

This is me practicing my stand-like-a-boss stand.

My therapist said I may walk approximately at the age of 2 or 3 (crossing my fingers). Fact is, HIE is something that is a 'mysterious' thing I guess..because we will never know when or what milestones HIE babies will reached. That's something that keep playing in my mummy and daddy's head everyday. Hoping for the best for me. It is like playing wait and see. If you google HIE, you'll see many babies in different conditions..some are not affected at all, some are mildly affected, some are severely affected..but for sure, we have one similarity, we have HOPE, FAITH and LOVE.

This is my second entry. I am hoping to spread love and hope to you, and hopefully some cuteness. At the same time to keep my mummy and daddy motivated and strong as a superman! Do follow me. Here is my introduction the other day.

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