Quit university & flying to south-east Asia.

Yesterday I had a really good chat with @asperger-kids and @cobalus about basically everything. The wish to do my own thing instead of following the normal way (School, University, Job) was always a little spark glimming softly and yesterday it went on fire. When I went to sleep, I just couldn’t because my thoughts were too actively into this topic that I went back to the computer and researched about all this. I wanted to share some thoughts with you folks! :)

Peoples opinions

So starting from some random dude I met at a bar, my good friend, my old teacher and even my mother - they all sort of think negative about me travelling abroad and doing my own thing, mostly because it's not safe in terms of my future. This one leads me into long thinking loops of "what if's". Of course they might be right and it's really bloody stupid to do that, but they have never been in the countries I want to live in. So how can they now? How can I know?


Right now, always when leaving the University or work, I feel highly motivated to work on a current project of mine for the Steemit community. Not saying too much here - it's about better finding people & content you like on Steemit!
If I would just sit at home a few days, I sometimes just don't have the discipline to work. Playing games all day and watching some movies, feeling bad at the end of the day. So how would this change if I'm in another country? Just because it's new, it doesn't nesseccary is the lighter to your candle.

Of course, money

Having some income streams is always important in the world we live in. Especially if you are interested into actually having a safe job and not an imaginary safe one. If one income stream isn't working out that good anymore for whatever reason, you still have one or two more to go. The main question I'm asking myself here is "Will I earn enough money for my whole life, even without a university degree". And here is the point, living in south-east Asia for example, will definately lead me to paying lower taxes and having less costs for living. Hell, you can live off 700$ per month there, living similar to how a student would live more expensive anyhow. So less taxes + less monthly expenses = more money. Simple.
With that money I can basically buy myself time to work on my own visions which I don't fully know yet. They do get stronger with every month though. I don't know what I will be creating, but it's going to be big.


Currently, the best idea would be to take a year off university, in case I want to get back to it, which my me now and in the past would never have wanted. This is just to be kind of safe and not to burn all bridges, while you can still walk them. Only if there is absolute descisions I made, there will be actions. Everything else would be just dumb and overreacting.
So those were my main thoughts which couldn't let me sleep last night and made me jump out of the bed relatively early. In the next hours I will intensively research about what I would need in my life to achieve what I want - freedom.

I would be very interested in people having/had same situations like me. Can you relate? What were your experiences?


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