How Steemit has changed me in just two weeks

I know I promised you that I would write this yesterday, but it was such a busy day. First of all I had to sleep away my hangover from Friday's partying (but it was all worth it!) and then I had to shower, eat and pack my things before driving to Porvoo. At that point it was already evening and I chose to watch Bloodline with Fredrik (the third season is out!) instead of trying to put together a nice post.

So I wanted to tell you how I think Steemit has changed me in just two weeks. It's nothing drastic, but I noticed a few things that has changed.

The first thing is my mindset. I have been blogging for many years, but for the last two years I haven't really written anything in my blog, so when I started writing again here on Steemit I felt.. good. I felt more calm after I had put down my day in a few sentences. How nice isn't it to just take one or two hours and just relax and write about something you like? It's like therapy for me. I have also started to notice more positive things, and things I'd like to write about, in my everyday life.

The second thing is my creativity. I have always been a creative person, but now I feel like being creative even more! It's so easy to get inspiration here on Steemit from all of you guys. As I mentioned in another post, I bought a new sketching book on Thursday and I have been drawing stuff in it since then. I also take a lot more photos now since I have a good reason to - So I can share them with you.

The third thing is just that I think about Steemit very much. As soon as I have spare time I open Steemit and read new posts and maybe comment those who interests me. I feel really engaged and it's so much fun to be a part of this community!





Imagine I took all these photos (except for the second one ofc) while drunk and on my way home at maybe 5 am. Haha. I think they turned out pretty good. And yes, the sun was rising! I guess I stayed out a little too late.. But it was so much fun!

Now you know how I feel about Steemit and how it has changed me a little. It will be fun to see if I still feel the same after have been here for a longer period of time. How has Steemit changed you guys?

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