Use and Abuse of Cannabis

Who does not know his name #Ganja
From among young people to adults are familiar with his name Ganja, Cannabis is better known as a plant that we can euphoria or fly.

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Cannabis in Latin is called Cannabis sativa which is a plant producing fiber. Cannabis is also better known as psychotropic-producing plants because of the content of tetrahydrokanabinol (THC, tetra-hydro-cannabinol) substances in it that can make the wearer experience euphoria.
Ordinary marijuana plant is 2 meters or more depending on where it is planted, its leaves are dancing with small flowers in dompolan at the end of its branch.

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Among the common people, Cannabis is often used only as euphoria but they do not know much also contained mamfaatnya inalamnya for health, including:

  • Alzheimer's
    From the results of research Scripps Research Institute cannabis is known to slow the Alzheimer's disease that attacks the brain.

  • Worry
    Anxiety can be felt by all circles and according to researchers from Harvard Medical School in marijuana found to have an effect that can help calm one's anxiety. But be careful in using it should be with the right dose, if in high doses it can actually give the opposite effect of increasing anxiety and paranoid thoughts for us or the patient.

  • Arthritis
    Cannabis has also been shown to relieve pain and pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.

  • Cancer
    Research published in the journal Molecular Cancer Therapeutics found that the substance cannabidiol contained in cannabis can 'turn off' a gene called "Id-1" used cancer cells to spread throughout the body.

  • Epilepsy
    In a study at Virginia Commonwealth University, researchers found that marijuana could be used to stop epileptic seizures. However, this study has only been done on animals and has not been tested in humans.

  • Glaucoma
    Researchers are currently developing new drugs with marijuana ingredients to treat pain caused by glaucoma. This is done after the researchers know that effective cannabis to be used to treat the condition glaucoma. Glaucoma is a condition that increases pressure on the eyeball and can lead to loss of vision ability.

  • Multiple sclerosis
    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that attacks central nerves such as the brain's nerves, spinal cord, and optic nerve. A study conducted at the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that cannabioids found in marijuana can reduce symptoms and pain caused by MS.
  • Parkinson's disease
    Research published in medPage Today found that marijuana can be used to treat tremors and improve motor skills in patients affected by Parkinson's disease.

  • Nausea
    Cannabis contains at least 60 chemicals called cannabinoids and THC that can give a 'float' effect on its users. Even so, in the right dosage and way, THC can also be used to overcome the feeling of starting, including also in drugs that can cause nausea.

  • Lung health
    Research in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that cannabis can increase lung capacity. This is contrary to the belief of many people that marijuana can lower lung capacity and ability.

And many more mamfaatnya, you can read some articles below:

Once we know the benefits of cannabis, we also need to know the dangers of using marijuana, such as:

  • Cannabis is a cause of cancer. When compared with tobacco-generated smoke, cannabis smoke has a 50 to 70% risk as cancer. Cannabis contains carcinogens and THC that produce cancer-causing benzyprene
  • Cannabis can increase the risk of lung disorders.
    Marijuan smoke contains carcinogenic concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) higher than tobacco smoke.
  • Heart problems.
    The risk of heart attack increased in the first hour after using marijuana. Smoking marijuana can cause a higher heart rate and cause tension in the heart of its users.
  • Lowering cognitive abilities.
    Do not be surprised that cannabis users may experience impaired ability to understand something as well as their level of concentration. This can lead to cannabis users more likely to have an accident or injury.
  • Paranoid.
    Paranoid is one of the usual side effects caused by using marijuana in addition to the effects of anxiety, panic, and fear. However, this effect may disappear within hours of use.
  • Schizophrenia.
    Excessive use of marijuana can lead to the emergence of schizophrenia, a mental disorder usually characterized by impaired thinking processes and weak emotional responses, which are usually manifested in the form of hallucinations, paranoia, and the existence of beliefs or thoughts that are incompatible with the real world.
  • Lose control.
    Users of marijuana will usually experience some side effects such as loss of control, impaired memory, difficulty in thinking and solving problems, and disruption of coordination in the muscles of the body.
  • Mental illness.
    Loss of a person's control system due to excessive use of marijuana will make him depressed and eventually experience mental disorders. They often hallucinate, acknowledge something that does not exist, and vice versa.
  • Impaired fertility / fertility.
    Beware of the use of cannabis in long-term periods can suppress the production of hormones that help regulate the reproductive system. For men, the use of cannabis can lead to decreased sperm count and motility, and can experience erectile dysfunction. And in women, it can cause menstrual disorders, thus allowing the occurrence of problems that will lead to a decreased ability to conceive.
  • Addictions.
    Additives possessed by cannabis can lead to users addicted. He wants to again and again use it. Because if you stop the user can feel physical tortures such as headaches, continuous nausea, the body feels tired and listless.
  • Increase criminality. Cannabis addiction often creates criminal acts for its users, especially for those from middle to lower economy. They can take any action to get their cannabis needs met.

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