Unlocking the key to multi-dimensional thinking

Homosapian (thinking-man) is what he have named ourselves. Our evolution from this stage is consequent to our ability to develop technology to aid the thinking process, this has allowed us to progress in leaps and bounds. But what we now lean so heavily on: technology, is now becoming a part of our downfall.

From the day we are born humans learn right from wrong e.g. a child who curses for the first time will initially look to his/her parents for their reaction. Based on this the child will develop positive or negative connotations to their actions. This process is a form of conditioning, the child will know the next time that this action is bad. At this point we have begun to define right from wrong in this childs mind based on what society has taught us to be acceptable. But how do WE know right from wrong?...

The key point to take from this is that WE have taught this child what our parents/society have taught us; by doing so we have used our minds in a very one dimensional way. We have moulded our minds and ourselves to conform to the norms of society. What people fail to understand is that our minds are capable of such deeper thinking. I'll say it again, we are homosapian, next time you find yourself in a difficult or unfamiliar situation pull yourself out of the context of reality for a moment and allow your brain to stretch, think not of what is expected, think not in terms of what you know to be 'good' or 'bad' just simply think, and think long, you'll be amazed at what you can come up with.

Every mind is different, but why? Sure genetics plays a pretty significant role, but so does our exposures to the environment. In fact every stimulus we have ever received is seated somewhere deep in our unconscious mind. I believe this part of our brain to have a significant influence on the way we think and therefore act. In other words, what you put in is what you get out. For example a footballer is likely to think in a completely different way to a NASA scientist because they lead very different lives. Two very different exposures mould the brain in two very different ways. By learning new skills we are able to mould our brains in multiple ways, leading to a broader multidimensional way of thinking. I personally have recently graduated medical school, during my brief time off before starting work I have been reading, I have learnt to trade, I have learnt to carve wood (watch this space), I play an active roll as the president of my university cricket team and my latest development...becoming a steemian! But all for what? For nothing more than to feel myself grow, to develop different ways of thinking and to take a step back from the conditioning ingrained in me courtesy of our 'modern' values.

That my friends is how to I have learnt to think in more than one dimension, please share your thoughts, agree or disagree we will all learn something.

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