Alternative for meat!!

Image result for juicy burger

Scientists believe that they have a viable alternative that doesn't involve sacrificing your steak for vegetables or roots. On August 5th, 2013, Mark Post, professor of vascular physiology at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, decided to grew the burger himself. Not from cow in his farm, but in laboratory from bovine stem-cell. This experiment had the potential to upend conventional wisdom on the environmental, animal welfare, and health impact of meat eating. Post's approach yields the bacon and burgers we love without the hog or cow.

Image result for stem cells burger

All animals have stem cells in their muscles. These cells are capable of regenerating and creating muscle cells outside the animal. The trick is to harvest cells from a live animal and put to right environment in a laboratory. A single cell can regenerate trillions cells of meat.   

Post's approach yields burgers and bacon we love without the hog or cow. All animals have stem cells living in their muscle. These cells are capable of regenerating and creating muscle cells outside the animal. The trick is to harvest cells from a live animal and put them to right environment in a laboratory. A single stem cell can generate hundred of trillions cells of meat. 

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Surprisingly, not all vegetarians and animals advocacy groups supports this experiment. They don't like the fact that cells must be extracted from a live animal. But choice is between thousand animals versus many millions of animals emitting carbon, leaving waste in waterways, and gobbling up valuable resources that us human might use, the answer seems clear. 

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