Latest Tourist Places Must Be Friends Visit

Lake Toba


In a constitutional manner, this recreation place in Medan is located in Parapat, North Sumatra. The largest and largest volcanic lake in the world has long been an iconic tourist spot in North Sumatra.

Tourist attractions in the city of Medan have long been well known throughout the world. This lake was formed due to the magnitude of the volcanic eruption. After forming a crater, then through a process that gradually, filled with water so that Lake Toba was formed.

The lake in Medan has clear bluish water. Surrounded by green mountains, this view on Lake Toba is so beautiful.

Moreover, what makes the Lake in North Sumatra unique, is that there is an island in the middle of the Lake. Yuph, samosir island name. This island in the middle of Lake Toba has an area of ​​about 647 square kilometers.

You can do various interesting activities on the shores of the Lake in Medan City. You can get around by bicycle, jogging, or do various water activities such as swimming, or rent a boat to get around the lake.

Oiya, for those of you who come from outside the city of Medan, calm down, various lodging facilities are available for you.

Samosir Island


Samosir Island, Medan. As mentioned above, Samosir Island is in the middle of Lake Toba, Kita Medan North Sumatra.

Two natural attractions are as if they cannot be separated from each other. Samosir Island is around 1000 meters in DPL. In Samosir Island we can learn and know the history of the original Batak tribe.

You can easily find a variety of original products from the Batak Tribe. From traditional clothes, ajsesoris, to the traditional fabric of the Batak tribe sold on this island.

No less interesting is that you can stop at Tuk-Tuk, the intersection between Sumatra and Samosir. In addition, the most appropriate way to enjoy the beauty and uniqueness of Samosir Island is to explore the hills. Of course if you feel capable.

Padang Tele Samosir Tower


Menara Padang Tele Samosir, Medan. As the name implies, Menara Padang Tele Samosir, Medan is one of the best places to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Lake Toba.

This natural tourist spot is at the height of the hills and has a terraced tower. All the scenic beauty of Lake Toba will be exposed or seen if you see it from this Padang Tele Tower.

Lake Laut Kawar


Laut Kawar Lake, Medan Indonesia has so many active volcanoes. One of the activities that is still active is Mount Sinabung, which has just a small cough.

Behind all that, it turns out Mount Sinabung has another side of beauty, namely the presence of a beautiful lake near Mount Sinabung. This lake is named Lake Lau Kawar.

This picnic area in Medan offers a beautiful view of the lake against the backdrop of mountains and fresh green trees.

If Mount Sunabubg is resting from its ajifitas. You can enter a romantic tourist spot in Medan on your holiday trip list.

Geigraphically, Lake Lau Kawar, Medan is located in the village of Kuta Gugung, Simpang four, Karo Regency.

Linting Lake


Linting Lake, Medan one more lake tourist spot in Medan, North Sumaera. This beautiful lake in North Sumatra is called Lake Linting.

Like Lake Toba, this lake's natural tourist spot has bluish-green water, green tiska. Of course ejsotus and beautiful.

This beautiful lake in Medan is perfect for relaxing and resting tired eyes with urban concrete views. It turns out that not only Lake Toba tourism objects have exotic natural beauty.

Pandan Beach


Pandan Beach, Medan North Sumatra turned out to not only have a lot of lakes. One of the places where the beach in Medan is Pandan Beach.

This beautiful beach in North Sumatra has soft blue waves that roll with soft white sand.

Beach tourism object in this field is very beautiful. So it is guaranteed to make you feel at home for a long time and indulge all the senses in your body. Moreover, Pandan Beach is also suitable for those of you who like to surf.

Lumbini nature park


Lokasu where the natural park of Lumbini Park is located in the village of Tingkoh, Subdistrict Dolat Rakyat, Brastagi, Karo District.

Because it is still managed tradionally, to enter the place of the Lumbini park, there is no entrance ticket or free of charge. For those of you who want to visit.

Natural attractions in this field offer views of the highest pagida in Indonesia and the slopes of the mountain Si Bayak. That said, this pagoda is a replica of the shwedagi pagoda in Myanmar.

This pagoda has a tunggi of around 46.8 meters with a 69 meter display. There are 2,500 golden yellow Buddha statues in this Pagoda.

Sibolangit Lake Waterfall


Waterfall Telaga Sibolangit, Medan. This natural tourist spot is in the village of Surin Surugun, Sibolangit District, Deli Serdang.

It takes about 2 hours from the city of Medan to visit the tourist attractions waterfall lake dwuwarna subolangit.

As the name implies, this waterfall has a lake with two colored water. The color is cool, the water is cold and the white water is warm.

Both of these lakes have fresh mountain air with beautiful views of exotic tropical islands in Indonesia.

Waterfall lake dwuwarna sibolangit, in North Sumatra is most suitable for you who like camping and enjoying the natural atmosphere.

Tarutung City


This North Tapanuli became famous because of the tourist attractions of soda water baths.

Yuph, there are only two natural attractions in the world, and in North Tapanuli this is one of them. A soda bath named Aek Rara Tarutung.

Besides soda water baths, the city of North Tapanuli is also a religious center in North Sumatra.

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