Do you live along this route? Lets meet up on my way through!

Hi everyone! I am going to travel to Mesa Arizona around the beginning of May from West Michigan and I wanted to plan some sort of steemit meet ups on my way through.


I am not in a huge hurry to get down there and I wanted to split the driving up rather than trying to make the 28 hour trip in 2 days.

I will be traveling through:
Bloomington, Illinois
St. Louis, Missouri
Springfield, Missouri
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Oklahoma City
Amarillo, Texas
Albuquerque, New Mexico.

If you or anyone you know is on Steemit and would like to meet up on my way through please let me know!

I will likely be staying with a friend in Chicago the first night and if I can't find a place to stay on my way through I will likely camp at a park or two. I plan on driving 8-10 hrs a day to make the trip over 3 days.

Please connect with me on my discord server:


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