GETTING OLDER THAN OUR AGE: factors that facilitates this and things we need to quit...

Getting older is not actually something we have control over, it is a natural phenomenon, but most times little mistakes by us in our choice of life style and actions accelerates our possibility of looking older than our ages.
Getting old is inevitable, but certainly we can slow the possibility rate by mending our ways to look our age or even younger..
Here are a few habits that needs to be eliminated in order to keep our body in proper shape...
Does eating affect the aging process?? Yes it does. We take things that are high on saturated fats, deep-fried, packed with sugar, etc, these things speed up the ageing process so badly.
When striving to slow down the ageing process, diet plays a very vital role in slowing the ageing process and leaving us with beautiful skins.
For those with habits of gorging on , burgers, doughnuts, french fries, and so on, quit it soon and start including healthy foods to your menu. A tweak in our choice of diet will go a long way of slowing down the ageing process and giving us a beautiful skin.
This is just so self explanatory, feeling reluctant to walk or move around facilitates ageing fast. With regular exercise we are able to tone up our frame which in turn makes us look younger. Being physically active slows the rate of ageing fast..
You might not imagine that your state of mind has something to do with your ageing but it does actually. It has been proven through studies that depression causes a shortening of our telomeres which in turn affects the DANA and other cells in the body.
Most people affected by depression are also found to possess some very bad habits like, not eating properly, not getting enough sleep, and neglecting their personal hygiene. Which is definitely not a good idea, there are ways to deal with this depression of a thing, by taking herbal supplements or by seeing a doctor if it last for more than 6 months.
Other factors may include
✓ Stress
✓ Sleeping posture
✓ Smoking
✓ Over exposure to sun
✓ The way you carry yourself
✓ Too much of sugar consumption
✓ Malnutrition
Endeavor to avoid these things, and be assured a life free free from ageing quick, thank you

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