How Steemit literally changed my life! My 10 000 km away relocation.

Steemit influenced me

I just spontaneously booked a ticket to Manila today! 10 000 km away from my home. It's gonna be quite a journey, 26 hours and 3 flights. This Sunday's morning. To be honest the money that I had earned during my 3 weeks on Steemit would bought me this ticket.


How did it happened?

Well this is all Steemit's fault! Because partly of this website I decided to move myself to another country faster then I planned before. Originally I was planning to wait one more month but things accelerated and because Steemit gives me more freedom, I decided to go this weekend. Turning my life 180 degrees. Although I'm not using Steemit earnings to pay for everyday stuff I treat it like a benchmark. Would I be able to do X with Steemit money, would I be able to live in Y just with Steemit money etc. I even started an experiment when I first came here but it finished much earlier than I expected. Just check these of my posts:

Livin' on a... Steemit - my experiment to match Poland's minimum wage just by posting here

I wanted to earn my country's minimum wage on Steemit in a month. But I achieved it in just two weeks!!!

I'm not going to use my Steemit earnings as major income for paying bills or basic expenses but rather as an alternative stream which gives me a lot of independecne. I'm not planning to move any funds out of my account for a long time till they will mean something for me.

Bez tytułu.png

Why I stick with Steemit no matter of Steem price - Steem as 403K?

My new content

During my previous travels I always struggled with managing my time between work and fun. This time I'll be more focused on creating interesting content for Steemit and for my cryptocurency podcast. I will also promote Steemit and I already have some ideas how to do it. I'm really excited to show you my transition from gloomy and rainy Poland to always sunny Philippines. So I do not consider this as a typical travel anymore but rather as at least a temporary relocation with possibility of staying longer. How long? I have no idea. It's fulfilling my dreams of living in some exotic places, among completely different cultures under the never ending sun.


The decision had been made just few hours ago so I have not so much time left to sort out all things. I have not enough time to get a proper visa so I'll just get 21 days after landing there and then I'll apply for a proper 60 days visa. To be able to do that I need to have some ticket out of Philippines. I found that the cheapest way is to book Air Asia flight to Malaysia with a premium flex service which allows me to rebook this flight 2 times. So I can just keep this cheap ticket and rebook it each time I would need to apply for the next visa.

Hardships of transition

I'm really involved into the ICO thing, like I cover most of the projects, research and pay attention. Talk with developers on Slack and Telegram in the middle of the night (time zones ftw) and also do once a week on Monday a live podcast summarizing the whole week in crypto world. I wonder how it will work out in the new country and +6 hours time zone. I'm really excited and look at this as a chance to boost my motivation, association and creativity.

Follow me if you want to see how I will be doing there. Armed with my laptop and camera. :)

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