This content got low rating by people.

The #CurateMe "New" list for today: 5/27/18 - Highlighting posts that have not been boosted!

This is the "NEW" list for all posts that have requested curation by calling on either @curateme or #curateme and have also been verified NOT to be using bidbots to bid up the post.

COMING SOON -- This logic is not yet completed.

How does #curateme work?

  • To nominate your post for inclusion in this list, simply add the text #curateme or mention @curateme in your post.
  • To nominate another Steemian's post, simply reply to the post with the same #curateme or @curateme in the comment.
  • Currently, only 25 articles will be included in each @curateme blog post. Later there may be multiple posts per day.
  • If you are nominated to the list and accepted, you will receive an upvote from multiple accounts that have volunteered their VP to this project, in addition to community upvotes of course.
  • It is not necessary to use curateme as one of your five tags.
  • Currently this list is simply being derived from posts using the #nobidbot tag, this is temporary only.
  • The finished list will select posts based on the nomination score, which is the product of the number of nominations multiplied by the grade of the nominator.

What are the qualifications to become a nominator?

  • A nominator cannot have used bidbots on their posts in the last 30 days.
  • A nominator must have posted within the last 60 days.
  • A nominator must not delegate to a bidbot or vote seller.
  • A nominator cannot have downvoted @transparencybot in the last 30 days.

What stops junk from being nominated and/or accepted.

  • Nominators are graded by past performance and also current metrics.
  • Each time a nominator recommends an article for inclusion in this list, they receive a grade based on the number of votes that article receives from others that meet the qualifications of a nominator (even if they are not a nominator).
  • If a nominator continues to nominate posts that receive little or no other upvotes, then their nominations will no longer be accepted.

What type of votes are analyzed to grade nominators and post performance.

  • Voters must meet the same qualifications as a nominator. (ie, no bots and must be active).
  • SP and Reputation are not a factors in vote grading.

A more detailed introduction post will be created for @curateme once this project is ready to fly!

All information was obtained programmatically via @SteemSQL. No manual curation has been applied to this list YET!


A few notes. The "Self Votes" column is a count of upvotes from the author either directly via the authors account and ALSO any upvotes from other accounts that the author created.

For instance, byColeman may show two upvotes on some posts if byColeman updated the account via byColeman and also via a 2nd account created and controlled by byColeman.

Yes, I really do believe in transparency! Each voter is therefore able to make an informed decision as to whether it is OK or not to do this, and then to what level and then of course is the post still worthy of an upvote?

I may add the $value of self-upvotes soon.

I believe the rest of the report is pretty much self explanatory.

This list will be updated automatically several times per day once this project goes live.

OK, here is the "Just Testing" list. There are a lot of formatting issues I am still working on!!

Currently sorted by nomination score, date. Later, we will add sub-categories.

@walkerland (56.65) Category: garden
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The Garden Bumble Bee Count - Join Us!
Up:19 | Down:0
Self:1 | Replies:4
05/27/18 01:03 | $0.69 STU

The bees are back! There's no shortage of pollinators around our homestead and we do what we can to make this a welcoming & safe place. When they come out of hiding and get to work in the garden, it brings a sense of optimism and promise for the coming harvests. I've really taken an interest in bees and make sure that we provide the local pollinators with a safe food source. We are without question, a bee friendly homestead. Absolutely no chemicals are used in our gardens, not even organic approved ones. In addition to this we also offer safe habitats around the gardens and plenty of water s

@practicalthought (52.98) Category: life
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The Hidden Heart
Up:10 | Down:0
Self:1 | Replies:4
05/27/18 05:59 | $5.85 STU

Another day, another slate to fill with pretensions as most hide their hearts behind their masks. The people bustling about, pretending to be the very things they despise. Desperate not to be seen, to not be vulnerable to the judgements of others. "Mighty hot out today." he says, the fake enthusiasm hiding his desire to discuss the troubling events unfolding in society as your eyes veer away. Veer away in fear he might somehow see you, the turmoil and pain hidden behind that mask. You grunt a response, both of you forcing a small chuckle as he looks away, his obligation to your mask over now t

@lil-splatts (40.36) Category: lego
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My custom Lego 5th wheel Camp trailer and Ford F-350 Dually
Up:9 | Down:0
Self:1 | Replies:4
05/27/18 09:42 | $1.66 STU

I've been working on this 5th Wheel camper for a couple hours and I am happy with how it has turned out I had modified the old truck I made into an actual dually. This truck needs a camp trailer, so I decided to build one. I built 2 slide outs on this 5th wheel camper ~Slide-outs in~ ~Slide-outs out~ Here is what it looks like with the top on it I'm going to put bunk beds on the back and a bathroom. Then a kitchen dining room and a bedroom in the very front. Thanks for checking out my Lego creation I hope you liked it Stay tuned for the finished model. It's time for a snack Watermelon My favor

@paradigm42 (39.51) Category: 7dayculturechallange
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7 Day Culture Challenge - Day 1
Up:7 | Down:0
Self:0 | Replies:1
05/26/18 02:29 | $0.09 STU

(Image source - One of the great things about steemit is the wide variety of cultures represented by the people blogging on this platform. I enjoy reading about other cultures, so I was happy to find I had been nominated by @conradt to participate in the 7 Day Culture Challenge. (Image source - Every state in the US is like a seperate small country itself, in the sense that each state has its own individual culture, political leanings, and general way of life. Most people for better or for worse, have a general idea of what American culture is like. Instead of focusin

@inna-yatsuk (60.32) Category: fashion
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Fashion history. Gianfranco Ferre: the one who created the Italian fashion. "Architect of Italian fashion". Part 4.
Up:42 | Down:0
Self:0 | Replies:1
05/26/18 02:49 | $11.03 STU

Part 2.

Meanwhile, in the House of Dior decide to repeat the proposal and this time in 1989, Ferre agrees. It was a sensation! For the first time a foreigner was invited to the famous house. Since Marco Bueno had already been removed, Gianfranco had already urgently entered a new domain. Ferre went and slept in the workshops, creating his first collection of haute couture for the legendary brand. Seamstresses and suppliers were falling from their requirements, he did not let anyone relax. Ferre knew it was his Austerlitz and he needed only victory. And this day has come. He, as

@nigelmarkdias (64.27) Category: wisdom
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Ruth appropriated the wisdom from Naomi’s pain.
Up:7 | Down:0
Self:1 | Replies:1
05/26/18 03:44 | $0.96 STU

1 THEN NAOMI her mother-in-law said to Ruth, My daughter, shall I not seek rest or a home for you, that you may prosper? 2 And now is not Boaz, with whose maidens you were, our relative? See, he is winnowing barley tonight at the threshing floor. 3 Wash and anoint yourself therefore, and put on your best clothes and go down to the threshing floor, but do not make yourself known to the man until he has finished eating and drinking. 4 But when he lies down, notice the place where he lies; then go and uncover his feet and lie down. And he will tell you what to do. 5 And Ruth said to her, All t

@jlsplatts (55.40) Category: photography
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Runner Duckling @ 2 weeks
Up:8 | Down:0
Self:0 | Replies:3
05/26/18 04:53 | $0.28 STU

We have had these, not so little guys anymore, for 2 weeks. They were only a couple days old when we got them. (From left to right) EinsteinBlue-GBrownie Just letting them forage around in he front yard this morning. -- Steepsh

@jusipassetti (51.84) Category: 7daypositivitychallenge
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7 Day Positivity Challenge Day 5 - Steemit ❀️️
Up:21 | Down:0
Self:0 | Replies:3
05/26/18 06:06 | $1.05 STU

To be honest Steemit often features in my mind as something I am grateful for every day. I spend quite a bit of my time on here and in so many ways I have gained so much since joining late last year. Sure, there are a few things that dont sit right with me around here but I always choose to look at the positive in my life. I often think of my journey on this platform as a form of therapy for me. When I joined I was petrified to post anything. I would literally close my eyes every time I pushed the post button. I was also scared to comment on peoples posts. I can be very insecure at times and I

@phoenixwren (58.09) Category: thegoodnews
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The Good News: Youth On Record
Up:12 | Down:0
Self:0 | Replies:2
05/26/18 07:14 | $1.22 STU

is a group that works with at-risk youth and gives them hands-on training in a music studio, helping them to become successful musicians, producers, and engineers! Their classes count toward the kids graduating from high school. They reside in a Denver Housing Authority building, in a community where half the population lives below the poverty line. According to their website (first link), of their 1000 students, 90% of them qualify for Temporary Assistance For Needy Families; 79% are Latinx and 12% are black; and annually, they serve 180 students who live at Youth Residential Treatment Facili

@whatamidoing (61.42) Category: deepshit
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Vibrating in and out of Harmony (Tuning your Instrument 2)
Up:35 | Down:0
Self:0 | Replies:4
05/26/18 07:49 | $1.53 STU

When something feels good, we are vibrating in harmony with it. We have conversations with people and if we leave feeling good, the conversation, and most likely the person we were talking with, were vibrating at a similar frequency as we were. Sometimes we are in the mood for a certain song, and other times the same song doesnt nothing for us, its all about what frequency we are tuned to. Sometimes an idea sounds great and a few weeks later when we think about it again, we think its nonsensical. This all depends on how we are vibrating at the moment. We have whats vibrating internally which d

@usman119 (48.67) Category: nature
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A land like heaven
Up:6 | Down:0
Self:0 | Replies:1
05/26/18 08:11 | $0.69 STU

(Skurdu, pakistan. A land of flower , tree ,mountain and mall rivers. A extra ordinary tourist place

@barge (50.68) Category: travelfeed
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Diary Travelogues - Egypt - The Nile & Pharaohs - 1996 - April 08 to 27 - Part 4
Up:27 | Down:0
Self:0 | Replies:3
05/26/18 09:08 | $1.58 STU

Hi Friends, This is part 4, the final leg of my 1996 journey down the Nile in Egypt. If you are just coming on board, . If you are following on from previous parts, welcome back Thanks for reading Saturday, 20 April | 23.40 | Aswan Lots of introspection. My moods change and my mind is going round and round. It's the usual result of seeing myself so intrinsically separate from the rest of the world, unable to either join in, or to let go! Got in to Aswan by 4pm yesterday and checked into Hotel Arabi, for 8LE with breakfast. I had wanted to cycle today but there were no bikes available so I

@hopeofgod (42.55) Category: bible
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Always Give Thanks
Up:7 | Down:0
Self:1 | Replies:0
05/26/18 10:34 | $0.16 STU

Bible verse O give thanks unto theLord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Psalms 107:1 (KJV) The kind of knowledge you have about God determines how you relate to Him. The Psalmist knew one thing about God; that God is good and his mercy endures forever. Apparently, he has been enjoying the goodness and mercy of God so he always gives him thanks and encourages everyone to give God thanks. Dear beloved, the question is, are you enjoying the goodness and mercy of God? If you are alive, it is by His goodness and mercy; if you have been forgiven your sins, it is by His goodnes

@producthunter (36.03) Category: steemhunt
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Bring - Shopping List App
Up:9 | Down:0
Self:1 | Replies:3
05/26/18 11:12 | $1.00 STU

Bring Shopping List App --- Screenshots

--- Hunter's comment Do you also hate writing your shopping list on a piece of paper only to lose it or forget it? Bring! makes creating shopping lists easy for you. It always stays with you, as long as you have your phone. Bring! makes grocery shopping easy for you, your partner, family or roommates thanks to its sharing capabilities. With notifications, you will always know who is shopping for what and more importantly, when. Creating a list can also save you money as you will not buy things you don't need. I've used this app many times and I rea

@brightstar (59.21) Category: abraham-hicks
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For a Very Niche Group
Up:78 | Down:0
Self:1 | Replies:1
05/26/18 11:34 | $14.55 STU

It's all I could see. Maybe I spend too much time on Steemit

@lucylin (58.48) Category: blog
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Just waiting....and watching....and anxious.
Up:11 | Down:0
Self:1 | Replies:1
05/26/18 11:48 | $0.33 STU

am waiting here just seeing what is going to happen today. My mind isn't drifting anywhere.... I have been scanning social media since this morning, following events and the peoples reactions.. There are protests against the Tommy Robinson debacle, today. Right the way to 10 Downing st. UK time 3pm. And in different cities. Media has been on shutdown in the UK. (they haven't worked out that internet thingy yet). The desperation of the establishment must be in overdrive to pull a stunt like this. Arrest to a conviction of 13 month in prison... in less than 3 hours!!....really? _This is unknown

@abh12345 (68.80) Category: engagement
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πŸ† The Curation and Engagement Leagues πŸ† - STEEM prizes available!
Up:125 | Down:0
Self:0 | Replies:33
05/27/18 01:11 | $119.71 STU

Welcome to this weeks Curation and Engagement leagues, kindly sponsored by @carlgnash and @paulag. Firstly, huge thanks to @arcange who spent a good amount of time this morning working on my horrible query that collates this data each week. Excellent service and support from the @steemSQL owner and witness. Thanks @arcange! Did you know that the Engagement Leagues show compared to the platform average? Should I remove the small penalty for self-voting - what do you think? ------------------- To enter the leagues drop a comment below (Lifetime membership - unless you ask to be removed) Th

@poetrybyjeremy (52.74) Category: poetry
Main Image
Bedazzled – Poem #76 (Welcome to the Sombre Days)
Up:37 | Down:0
Self:1 | Replies:0
05/27/18 01:53 | $0.49 STU

Chandeliers swaying to the motion of my breath, the aroma of dazzling jewellery dances on my skin. Guards eyes lock with mine, a gentle nod; the door creaks open. A humble walk, my shadow slugs behind, I kneel in front of the holy king. To my astonishment, he stands up from his elevated throne, welcoming me to his home. It is just the two of us, his enchanting eyes whisper ungodly seductions into the beads of mine. My smooth skin sheds as he lays his hands on me, a graceful beauty emerges from within, like radiant butterfly wings out of a silken cocoon. Tonight, I have become the mos

@roxvi (28.43) Category: travel
Main Image
Up:7 | Down:0
Self:1 | Replies:1
05/27/18 01:55 | $0.58 STU

The curtain of mist just falls down, rain drops are on your face, cold wind travels east to west in the aura of silence, and you see people with bright red stained lips along with their umbrellas. Welcome to Cherrapunji. It was in the month of August when I decided to chase the rain in the wettest terrains on the planet. What better time to dance in the rain than monsoon in the land of clouds. And I set out to explore this part of the world which is an unexplored paradise on earth. Cherrapunji is credited as being the second wettest place on earth. Originally known as Sohra, the British pronou

@eonwarped (59.74) Category: travel
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Waterfallland (Iceland Day 7)
Up:61 | Down:0
Self:2 | Replies:12
05/27/18 02:05 | $9.34 STU

Do you get tired of seeing waterfalls? There's only two more, don't worry. They should call this place Waterfallland. But anyway, these pictures are still very beautiful, so I will still share them. This is . Now that looks like it is hiding a secret. We walked along the right side to get a closer look at the falls. The path was icy and very much slippery, so we had to take it slow. This is how it looks from the top. I like to capture the running water. And the whole falls. Looks like inside the cave in the falls there's some sort of sacrificial altar. Or maybe it can play center stage of a

@artisticscreech (53.06) Category: truth
Main Image
Psychedelic Creativity and Seeing the Cinnamon Sun
Up:13 | Down:0
Self:0 | Replies:1
05/27/18 02:16 | $0.48 STU

It is fun to write about using psychedelics. Tripping comes with all sorts of exciting things. Flowing and colorful visuals manifest behind closed eyes. Walls breath, objects melt, and the stars dance in the sky. Strange and new thoughts make themselves known to the user and meaningful revelations are born out of them. The things one carries back from his or her psychedelic journey may not have the romanticism attached to them as all those other parts of psychedelic culture but they are equally as important as the trip itself. These treasures of the psychedelic world are far more lasting and h

@paradigm42 (39.51) Category: steeminitiatives
Main Image
Handy and Helpful Steemit Initiatives
Up:9 | Down:0
Self:0 | Replies:2
05/27/18 02:25 | $0.59 STU

(Image source Steemit has many veteran members working to help other steemians be successful and thrive here. One of my favorite tools to help me navigate my way through the platform is created by @steemchiller. Once it has loaded, just select switch account on the upper right and enter your steemit name Ex: @paradigm42 Once it has reloaded with your information, you can see what your voting power is, who has mentioned you in a post or comment, what author and curating payouts you have accumulated, and pretty much anything else you want to keep track of on your blog

@jusipassetti (51.85) Category: 7daypositivitychallenge
Main Image
7 Day Positivity Challenge Day 6 - It's Called 'Eat Day' Not 'Cheat Day'
Up:13 | Down:0
Self:0 | Replies:1
05/27/18 05:12 | $0.33 STU

See I even like pictures of Pizza
In our house Sunday is also known as eat day. Which basically means that I am allowed to eat whatever I want in however large quantities I want. I was not blessed with an amazing metabolism, in fact its as slow as one can get hahaha. Ive always been thankful for it though as I have had to learn from a young age that I need to be mindful about what I eat. Which can be difficult at times as I love to eat. Thankfully I dont have a sweet tooth at all but Im of the pizza is my favorite food group tribe. Im not picky about what I eat either. If it looks yummy I wil

@jlsplatts (55.41) Category: life
Main Image
I Quit!! I’m done!! I’m sick of it!!
Up:11 | Down:0
Self:0 | Replies:3
05/27/18 05:19 | $0.66 STU

Annoying Not healthy Addiction Vise Controlling Its time to break these chains once and for all!! I can do it I know I can!! If not now Then When?!?! At the age of 12 I had my first cigarette, seems kinda young doesnt it? Especially for a kid who grew up in a Mormon family. Maybe that is what drove me in that direction? Either way, I started into smoking cigarettes and pot and drinking alcohol by the age of 14. Being huge into basketball,baseball, and football, one would wonder why?? I wasnt doin it to be popular or the cool kid. I was already well known by my sports activities and my 3 older



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