Steemit - More than just digits

Will the rising value of Steemit, BTC, and apparently a whole host of other decentralized currencies make the LIberty loving crowd that is creating and fueling this movement wealthy beyond imagination? Those who are actively seeking options other than state sponsored solutions to this world's problems are the most likely to find this wonderful world of the Blockchain, and in the first 8 years we have sucked nearly $40 billion out of the fiat money world. Add all the other options into the mix and we are approaching $100 billion very quickly.

What will all of us freedom loving individuals do as a collective movement with all of this value we're earning? If enough people stick to their principles and put their money where their mouth has been we're just starting what I anticipate being one amazing ride. Remember, money is only the tool, what we turn money into is the real goal. #EyesOnThePrize

Steemit just paid for some educational material I've been seeking and it's well on the way towards paying for some tools and equipment as well. Much appreciated to all of you who have contributed towards this.

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