My new dedication to steemit + Wake-upcall + share your idea's!!!

What changed?

Recently I was in the discordchannel from steamspeak & golos crypto and I heard @fyrstikken talk about some people from golos. I could'nt fully follow because I did not exactly know what was going on, however he said something that day that was a wake-upcall for me.

He said something like: "those people should get their shit togheter, and move their asses. They should understand that when they keep sitting and watching nothing good will happen but that they need to be active on the battlefield. They need to take action"

I am pretty sure that's not how he said it exactly but you get the point here.

I tought to myself that his words where very true! The same thing applies for everyone here on steemit who want to see steemit grow very succesfull. Do not sit just by the sideline, watching, hoping and failing to see happening what you desire for. Take some action!

So I decided to take some action and do my part. I want to see steemit become very succesfull. I want the steemprice to rise higher then we could have dreamt of. I'd like to see the userexperience reach climaxes!

What action could we possibly take?

Well for starter, steemit is in beta so is is a testingphase. Keep in mind that things still can be changed to the better.

If we get a negative userexperience we must start a discussion with the whole community. What kept me from doing that earlier is the fact that I am a minnow and need to boost my posts with boosters if I wanna get some exposure. Who listens to me? Who cares?

well, some people care.

Let's start with those people!
I can understand that people earning alot daily on their posts have a bigger following and more people check their posts on daily base. If they fart, half of steemit knows :). They have bigger influence. That is my point.

But as a minnow you could take action aswel. For starter you could make a post about the subject you like to discus.

  • first point is in because you took action instead of sitting by the sideline.

Second you could try to keep up the discussion. If people like your post they will leave a comment, upvote or resteem. That means more exposure.

If we then stimulate our followers and readers to do the same about the same subject or another thing that needs to be discussed in your point of view we indirectly reach other people aswell who had no chanse of seeing your post between all the other posts.

Reach out to people in discord or steemchat to ask their opinion.

If we can create a chainrection of posts and idea's on these subjects things are more likely to be not overlooked and getting enough attention. It would be great after all to get some of the bigger players onboard of the discussion.

plant a seed, give it enough water and time will make sure it grows bigger and bigger towards the sunlight!

let's not just complain about things, but let us take action, think about what a solution could be, how we could do better, togheter!

Don't use exuses like "I don't have enough influence" or "it's a nice idea but nothing will come from it".
Be dedicated to what you want to help create and give yourself 100%

That is why I want to give lead to this idea for people like me and meaby you who want to see some action also by the smaller fish. I will make on regular base post to ask for opinions, discuss what the community thinks about the current state of things and make an analysis of what our options are. That will be a part of my contribution to the steemitcommunity, website and steemtoken! I want to move people to action.

Let's already begin!!!

I want to hear from you what you like about the current state of steemit. What are it's best points or what need some changing?

I already heard people comlpaining that selfupvoting won't help steemit to what needs to become a succes.

I heard people compaining about their post not getting noticed at all even if it is quite good.

I heard someone saying you should need to be able to filter the content in your feed.


Let me know what you think that needs to get adressed to the community and we'll start from now on discussing these points. Hopefully we can all togheter reach alot of people over time and our voice will be heared!

thanks for your time

If you like this post I would appreciate an upvote, comment and/or resteem so we can reach alot more people! Don't hasitate to reah out yourself in a post made by you to move people to take action about what's on your mind and you could always link this post if needed.

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