Painful pain How do women spend the next few days?


Dysmenorrhea is often encountered in many women during menstrual problems, there are many reasons, may be caused by congenital factors, it may be caused by the day after tomorrow. Dysmenorrhea is also a woman "can not tell the pain", the life and work will cause a certain impact. So what about dysmenorrhea symptoms? In fact, dysmenorrhea is a way to ease, such as eating some of the food can relieve pain. Therefore, for women with dysmenorrhea, it is recommended not to take medicine, if not very serious, you can try to slowly through the healthy eating habits.

green vegetables

Green vegetables in the calcium, magnesium, potassium can play to reduce or even stop the role of dysmenorrhea, these minerals can make people feel relaxed, ease mood swings, reduce irritability. In addition, dark green vegetables also contain a lot of vitamin k, vitamin k is coagulation and prevent excessive bleeding one of the important substances.


Magnesium in bananas plays a modulating role in the brain's happy neurotransmitter serotonin. Bananas are rich in trace elements magnesium, is an excellent food for antidepressants. Magnesium-rich foods also include spinach, tofu and cashew nuts.

Dairy products

The study found that calcium can effectively relieve tension and muscle spasms, and even can prevent premenstrual mood irritability and other issues. Therefore, daily intake of yogurt, low-fat milk or cheese and other high calcium foods, help to alleviate the former discomfort.

Beef food

Soy is also one of the best choices. Soybeans are high-fiber foods, to alleviate the symptoms of uterine congestion is helpful, and can reduce the situation of dysmenorrhea. Bean foods are rich in B vitamins, can play a role in relieving dysmenorrhea and menstrual fatigue.

Sunflower seeds

Supplement B vitamins help to relieve bloating, cramps, fatigue and mood swings. Sunflower seeds are an important source of food for vitamin B1. Tuna, saury and other foods rich in vitamin B6 should also be appropriate to add. In addition, you can also eat the whole wheat bread and other food, which is also rich in B vitamins.

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