Health factors are everywhere, sick maybe just because of it


People talk about chronic disease discoloration today, diet, exercise, sleep and other living habits have been more and more attention. Just a lot of people can not think of is, in fact, there is an important factor associated with your physical health, that is, "temper". Life is not satisfactory, in the fast-paced, high-pressure role, we unknowingly become a "explosive package", often dip a little "Mars" will break out. But you know what? Anger not only can not solve any problems, but also "fire upper body", the health made a mess.

Long-term, habitual angry, often easily lead to endocrine disorders, and thus affect the normal functioning of immune cell function, reduce the resistance, and ultimately lead to disease. Here we take a closer look, angry on the body what harm.


Angry, the brain increased blood toxins, will stimulate the hair follicles, causing the degree of inflammation around the degree of hair follicles, resulting in pigmentation problems.

Thyroid problems arise

Angry will disrupt the endocrine system control center, so that the secretion of hormones too much thyroid, long will lead to hyperthyroidism.

Accelerate brain aging

Angry blood pressure increased, the blood contains the most toxins, and further accelerate the brain aging.

Gastric ulcer

Agitation can cause sympathetic nerve excitement, direct effect on the heart and blood vessels, reduce gastrointestinal blood flow, peristalsis slow, severe gastric ulcers can cause.

Cause myocardial ischemia

A lot of blood rushed to the brain, will reduce the blood supply to the heart and cause myocardial ischemia.

Damage the immune system

When angry, the brain will order the body to produce a cortisol converted from cholesterol. If too much accumulation in the body, it will hinder the operation of immune cells

Irregular menstruation

Angry and depressed will lead to liver qi stagnation irregular menstruation, irregular cycle, by the amount of reduction, bloody dark red and other issues, or even amenorrhea or menopause early arrival.

Hurt the breast

Angry will lead to liver qi discomfort, qi stagnation, the occurrence of breast hyperplasia and other diseases.


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