Waking Up Thankful: It's Hard Sometimes


I'm a terrible sleeper. My wife says it's because I don't breath properly at night. Sometimes I wonder if it was that baseball bat that hit
my nose when I was 8 years old. Maybe it pushed something in?

In any case she wants me to see a doctor and get it fixed. I donno how easily it can be done, but what I do know is I have been feeling like shit every morning since.

I wake up drained as if I didn't sleep all night. I could have been sleeping 11 hours and it would be the same. By the time I hit my second cup of coffee I'm back to my peppy self. However during the interim I'm just not a happy camper.

So I'm feeling better right now drinking my cup cup of joe; and it got me thinking. I wondered what it takes to wake up happy if you feel like crap in the morning.


Well for one I have instituted thanking that I have a soul and that I can wake up. That would really suck if I couldn't roll over and look at my wife who loves me. I would also be sad to not hear the pitter patter of my kids running wild upstairs.

  • Then again sometimes that's not a good thing if it's followed by them screaming. That awakens the inner beast.. so maybe that's half and half.

It's probably impossible to find a perfect solution especillay if it's physiological. It also got me thinking about what other people go through. Loneliness for one. How do people wake up happy if they feel empty? Well I'm certainly not a life coach as I have vices up to me ears. I really have no answer.

Perhaps the only thing any of us can do is being thankful for what we do have. Yah, best to let your crappy feelings ride out; but then focus on the good things in your life.

If I don't feel good, perhaps I am lucky enough to take a nice hot shower. Perhaps just using my legs that work to get there is a good thing. Motivation and positivity are elusive when you feel like shit; but they can be certainly within reach if you focus on what you do have. Perhaps just having functional body parts can make any indivual a little more grateful.

Maybe I should be thanking Gd right now that I don't have bombs dropping on my home this moment. Maybe me enjoying my cup of joe with all of my limbs in tact while writing this blog is not so bad!


Wow.. I'm actually starting to feel a little better.

Maybe it's easier than we think. What do you think steemians? What gets you up in the morning?


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