Unknown to modern science, spiritual research indicates that 40% of the causes of addictions are due to ghosts or departed ancestors from the spiritual dimension. The seeds of addictions are introduced in the womb itself by such entities. Due to the spiritual nature of the cause of addictions, only spiritual healing can effectively overcome addiction. A three-step spiritual treatment program is suggested by SSRF that helps to combat negative energies. Spiritual healing measures also help to reduce the intensity of withdrawal symptoms. It is important to remember that prevention is better that cure. Undertaking spiritual healing measures along with regular spiritual practice acts as a spiritual protection mechanism from entities in the spiritual dimension so that they cannot possess and take advantage of us.

Addictions are a worldwide phenomenon adversely affecting the lives of millions across all geographical boundaries and cultures. At a personal level, addictions cause numerous problems and people’s lives are destroyed as a result. Their loved ones also suffer the trauma from the negative ripple effect. Despite efforts undertaken by governments and rehabilitation institutions, addictions can drain entire nations, reducing their effectiveness and burdening them with extra costs. Here are some of the alarming statistics that show the impact that addictions have:

• According to the five most expensive addictions to the world with an estimated annual cost in terms of treatment expense and loss of productivity are alcohol ($166 billion), smoking ($157 billion), drugs $110 billion, over-eating ($107 billion) and gambling ($40 billion).
• Alcohol is a factor in one in three (30%) sexual offences, one in three (33%) burglaries and one in two (50%) street crimes in the world.
• One in eight deaths of each country in the world aged under 25 is related to alcohol consumption.

The purpose of life is to complete our destiny (karma) and to grow spiritually to realise God. People who are addicted waste their time, money and energy in pursuing an addiction which takes them away from the true purpose of life. Accordingly, families and society also have to battle this issue and become forced participants in this challenging situation. If society were to invest the same effort in pursuing spiritual growth, the world would be very different compared to its current state.

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