Steemit Iron Chef 2017 #06: Eggplant

This is going to be a short one as it's late as all hell and I forgot all about posting the entry up.

Things you need

  • eggplant
  • blue cheese
  • mozarella ball
  • tomato
  • oil
  • smoke salt
  • pepper

Getting er done

Take eggplant, cut in half length-wise, then cut length-wise layers without detaching the ends.

Cut tomato slices. Halfassed cuts work in your favor here.

Cut mozarella ball slices.

Some proof of eggplant ownership.

On each eggplant layer brush oil, then add salt/pepper, mozarella slice, tomato, and a bit of blue cheese. More oil overtop. Don't be stingy with it, there's no great oil shortage of 2017 in your kitchen.

Set oven to default, put in eggplant on tray. Bake. When it comes out it'll resemble the above.

Proof of completion.

Would've been better on the BBQ but can't have everything.

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