Steemit Iron Chef 2017 #04: Zucchini Lasagna

Working like a dog lately but still made time for #steemit-ironchef. Today's ingredient is zucchini in probably the best form these old paws can produce.


  • 2 green zucchini
  • 2 yellow zucchini
  • 1/2 white onion
  • 1 shallot
  • 1 container of ricotta (you can be hardcore and make your own)
  • cheddar cheese
  • halloumi cheese
  • parmesan cheese
  • 1 batch of tomato sauce (or 1 can)
  • butter
  • salt/pepper
  • smoked paprika
  • regular paprika


Grab an onion or two. Here we have one shallot and half an onion one of the farmers brought out on market day. Chop them up, put butter in pan, cook until soft. Season.

This is what they should look like when done.

Grab a veg peeler and slice the zucchini into planks.

This is what you're aiming for, plain-sawn for maximum yield. Check out that link for an excellent article on wood processing.

Take the cutoffs and imperfect pieces and chop them up. Put on pan with butter, season. Add tomato sauce. Add a good amount of paprika and smoked paprika. Stir, let simmer.

This is how it turns out.

Get ricotta, put in bowl. Dump the onions in and stir. Season. Forgot to take a picture of it.

Time to start assembling the lasagna. Get whatever you're making it in, put place a layer of tomato-zucchini mixture on bottom. Add a layer of planks. Then more tomato-zucchini mixture. Then ricotta mixture. Then grate some cheese, add a bit. Then zucchini planks. Repeat until you have about 20 planks remaining.

Now here's the part where little hands would help. I suggest employing the kids if yours can roll.

Take a zucchini plank, spread ricotta mix on it, roll and place as so onto the existing layers.

Do the same with the remaining tomato mixture and with the halloumi. Keep it somewhat random. The end result will be like so. Grate cheese on top. Parmesan (not pictured) goes overtop.

Turn on oven, default setting is fine. Set timer for 45 mins. Put that sucker in.

This is what you end up with.

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