Steemit Iron Chef 2017 #03: White Beets and Tuna

Made this yesterday for this week's Iron Chef.

This actually turned out pretty good.


Get white beets, wash them, put into pot with some water and boil the shit out of them until a fork goes through without bouncing back and stabbing you in the eye. This is what they should look like in the pot. Don't waste time peeling them.

When beets are done, cool them down some and peel them. The skin slides off. These are the white peeled beets.

Stick a blender into those beets and blend. Add coconut milk, about half a cup worth. Gradually is best. Blend and keep blending. Season with some salt.

Defrost some tuna. If you went to the supermarket and got whatever passes for "fresh fish" there beware that that crap is older than that katsup bottle in the back of your fridge. We place orders for individually frozen portions of fish and get a few months supply delivered. This here is sushi-grade tuna.

Sear the tuna on a hot pan with coconut oil. Middle should be pink. Season with salt/pepper prior to searing.

Season with fresh thyme and consume. Then remember to purchase respectable plates prior to the next submission.

Some Proof

All images taken by me.

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